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Gateway2xxx - Trauma and Thought Field Therapy - Academy4 Think-Systems



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A Lifefulfilling Platform for South Australia        BASICS

The Highest Office on Earth, USA 2001

Jerusalem, the Benchmark for Conflict Resolution!

Fearing to loose one's substance with inadequate knowledge - the source of all evil, people resort to studying how others have become successful. In the meantime the adversaries may take advantage of their absence...

Whoever is really willing to work with us under the principle of the postponed prejudice is welcome to consider joining the following university curriculum. It makes sense to do so if you have a willingness to considering getting r=ready for new O=objectives and/or to make those mentioned here more widely acceptable and viable; please consider:


What is to be globalized other then money and CO2, that is the question!


Closed systems are self-destructive, their globalization leads to the Apocalypse!


Anything goes” think-systems are globalized ranging from “share holder value” up to ethical standards; what MOS=mental operating system do you have?


Lifefulfillment for as many as possible! Search the Internet for it and you will be surprised who works for it!


The source of all evil is inadequate knowledge; what else is globalized now?


How about globalizing peace and beyond? Lifefulfillment for as many as possible! Any better suggestion?


It all starts in the head and some of it is globalized in some form: Which one, for whom? George W. Bush for Education President… 


Science#1 leads to technology based on the laws of nature, and it has made the destruction of life on Earth possible – what else?


Science#2 organizes human resources, in personal neutral ways; in the service of whom?…


Science#3 provides the basis for lifefulfilling platforms; the riddle of life can be lived in a fulfilling way…


We need science#3 to cover the range from idea to global consequences, before we play the soccer’s apprentice!


Who are YOU? And what about you deserves to globalized?


Application of Know-how / Considering the Wisdom of its usage = STRESS < DEATH
for people, bankruptcy of companies, decay of cultures:
In human systems, STRESS should be beneath the unfulfilled death of those concerned; that must be verified before globalization!

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apply as our university student

in a way that reflects your intentions in a professional way. For that purpose we have set up feedback channels for you to interact with us. Depending on what you are prepared to give in, the team is prepared and ready to promote you and include you in our ongoing Timely Exchange of Project-Orientated Competence, TEPOC©.  

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On the study side, we generally recommend

  1. An Introduction to the APS® Development Network
  2. The Basics and its context, until your frontal lobes click and resumes power in your head
  3. Responsibility in View of Political Correctness
  4. OEGP-Thinking upon which Applied Personal Science APS® is based on - The draft for the book about the APS-basics is finished, we need a sponsor to make it worthwhile to publish the book...a book is born; APS®
  5. Psychohistory and The Sadness of the Recognized State of the Art of Humanism
  6. Coping with Procrastination
  7. In what Time Frame are you mainly operating in? It determines the kind of problems you are able to address...
  8. The c3 / C3 question and c3/C3-Basis
  9. Channeling Opinions
  10. Our Benchmark, The Jerusalem Platform; do you have access to the parties concerned? Use it - before another human catastrophe happens...
  11. Productivity when it comes to idols and ideals...
  12. The Yugoslavian War; it is never too late to learn from history for those who survive it!
  13. Even Presidents are Humans...
  14. Getting the Parameters to YOUR Interface to a Lifefulfilling Platform
  15. Consider your C3-comeptency to Become Part of the Solution...
  16. How President George W. Bush performs the Highest Office on Earth 2001
  17. Human (Re)Source Management with special emphasis to South Australia

Introduction to the APS® Development Network 

the Art of using science  

Gateway to Breakthroughs
A New Trend is born...
I do not belief in EVOLUTION! C3/c3!
the meaning of trend-speaking... up to Bill Clinton
Redesigning the policy of personal destruction
the emperor is naked - intellect at its wits' end
an X-Ray of the author
The two Options of being Human
The Spell of Plato - Alienation - Overcome
The Business Constitution Movement
Mental Virus ALERT
The Hoax of Blackart Exposed
The MOS-Disaster; the last warning

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We are in the process to create a curriculum to allow you to tune into up-to-date Think Systems – your cooperation would be greatly appreciated. For those who speak German, we provide another perspective from ongoing applications.

Please consider this: In a normal university you need to be the devil's advocate to succeed; there are three taboos you have to adhere to and critically systemic, post-modern thinking is "in". A sport's event focuses on egocentric competition. A cultural event suggest to create pleasure and diminish suffering. Political events and rituals include the %-acceptance power game with the masses. This university goes beyond those in themselves non-sustainable dimensions and focuses on redesigning them based on the underlying innate laws of life- and job fulfillment of human systems. And that is what transforms Human Resource Management and allows lifefulfilling platforms. Similarly in the main frame IT-age content-free scores were dealt with. In the now fading away client-server age personally-neutral information is flooding people's brains in competing for their attention. The Internet age begins with personally relevant applications! Each consecutive stage was about 10 times cheaper to implement and allowed more job- and life-fulfillment than the previous one: This university deals with the basics that allow the final transformation towards lifefulfilling platforms

Drill deeper: OPTION I ] OPTION II ] APS ]

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Autor, Founder of Applied Personal Science APS© - the almost everywhere missing one
Bachmattstr. 23, CH-8048 Zürich (Switzerland), Academy4 Think-Systems, pm()
     Updated 21.05.17