3) The Challenge of Multiplication

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Economy is based on what can be m=multiplied and disseminated; depending on the stage of mental development of those concerned that is based on three principles:

  1. Negative reciprocity to appease the (electrical, reptilian) stem brain with its time horizon of up to 20 minutes (appropriate to deal with physical danger): What you do not want to be done unto you, do not do to any other and rather help preventing it, from other sources too. That primarily demands content-free respect for the life, the liberty and the property of fellow citizen and is the pre-condition for PEACE.

  2. Positive reciprocity to satisfy the (chemical, mammalian) mid brain with its time horizon of up to 2 days (appropriate to deal with the consequences of a meeting): Compete in the free market with your value creation to allow reducing pain and increasing pleasure, please to be pleased. This entails a socially compatible, politically correct, personally-neutral behavior, idealized by JUSTICE.

  3. Truth which sets those concerned free and allows coherence in the specifically human frontal lobes with its potentially lifelong horizon for it leaves physical traces in the memory (appropriate for personally-relevant lifefulfillment). That is then the precondition for applying reason in the collective which allows civilized meetings at tables to set up organizations and embedding them in lifefulfilling platforms for as many as possible through appropriate interfaces. This allows qualified people a sustainable development through synergy which counters the otherwise psychic entropy increase typical in closed systems#2 through which they become self-destructive onto their saturation.

Principle 1 and 2 basically stem from where we accept which truth according to principle 3: The postmodern spirit of the time attempts to get rid of principle 3, so that anything goes. We strive for the opposite! To give you a chance to broaden your incorporation of principles 1-3 into your MOS mental operating system your are asked to consider that


as a child we get r=ready for this society and prepared for the economic imperative by learning to m=multiply our ideas with denotational language. As a teenager we are supposed to learn to w=work out our thing beyond words. As an adult we have to e=establish our own existence in this world, hardly prepared for us.


For that purpose we need to be able to interfere rwme-accordingly with B=boundary conditions (habit, rule, moral, ethics, laws, procedures), P=process responsibility, O=object management and C=communication.


The required knowledge work has to be based, depending on our focus, on the content-free science#1 of nature, based on physics and chemistry, expressed in NUMBERS, virtual science#0, the art of expressing oneself orally with rhetoric, in writing with politically correct SYMBOLS and with art, personal-neutral science#2, philosophy, humanities and social sciences, with the meanings of its denotational WORDS and personally relevant with science#3, with open-ended generative principles, OEGP that do justice to the law of lifefulfillment of those concerned.


We can thus help setting the scene for performing the nine basic functions F1-9 which every human system ranging from individual, relationships, teams, organization, nations, cultures, up to humanity as a whole need to perform for their survival and the personally relevant lifefulfillment of the humans concerned.


Out personal involvement with F1-9 is achieved via our own 16 modes of being (X=essence, t=thinking, f=feeling etc.) in their problem- and solution orientation.

Thus in science#3 terms, working out my way to deal with economy, specifically to introduce science#3 as its founder, was worked out indicated below as follows.

  1. Identification of the OEGP which does justice to my lifefulfillment as X=9Pr, getting the Processes ready for being F9=able to be scientific#3 about the substantiality of human systems

  2. Working out science#3 to get the relationships to the above mentioned BPOCrwme, science#1,0,2,3 aspects and my 16 modes of this one out of 144 possible other OEGP, e.g. on this level I work with the subset of the 1728 OEGP of consisting in 1/12 if it, the 144 input/internal state OEGP. Science#2 tries with one psychology for all humans and you know what that has achieved and what not; no answer for for lifefulfillment!

  3. Working out an effective way to represent the result: Though my basic issue is science#3, congruent to my X=being, its BPOCme implementation in this c3-worlds, which demeans rw in its me-focus of public attention#2, is a combination of science#1 (my basic training is in physics with a Ph.D. in laboratory astrophysics) and science#2, which in itself, I oppose, where it fosters self-destructive systems#2!

9Pv  7Rw

m / e














B/yc P/Mh






C-S! B/hM






O-bf P/cy








To give you an idea, of the diversity I have added the 7Rw OEGP which works for my partner Roger Zamofing. He uses them same modes for Bm-h>Be-M Pm-c>Pe-y Om-!>Oe-S Cm-f>Ce-b, yet in the opposite logic in a different context, he expresses his innate knowledge work#0 with a mixture of science#0 (y), #2(h,M,c,!,f) and #3(S,b).

Since at least Genesis, the writing of the first book of the Bible, in the time of the patriarchs, about 2000 BC, the dream of perfecting the world with KNOWLEDGE permeates the c3-worls. However, time and again this dream is destroyed fist by nature and with subduing it, more and more by foreigner and in the globalized world increasingly by our very self. e.g. by our inadequate c3-MOS. As the snake c3-seduced Eva and then she in turn made Adam join her in disobedience and thus evoked human life with work and pain, the c3-MOS has its own dynamic, say in every day c3-language#2, which has not much to do with our C3-lifefulfillment. Then Cain's murder of his brother Abel set the scene for the bloody hopeless history which God terminated with the flood to then revitalizing men up to through his Son Jesus Christ. That phase ended in the Reformation which was the onset of men beginning to program himself in the Age of Enlightenment. The end of the last century marked the end of that phase of the modernity. Post modernity in which we live now under the BPme-imperative has its information flood which signals at best a possible transition and at worst the beginning of the end where anything goes towards chaos. 

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  Nach oben ] Knowlege with a Future ] Application ] Source ] Preparation ] Duty ] [ Challenge ] Politics ] Lifefulfilling Platform ] Workshop ] University ]

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