2) Working out a desirable Infrastructure

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The infrastructure consists of what has been w=worked out to be used; it should ultimately obey Asimov's three laws of robotic in which we have replaced "A robot" by "Infrastructure" which through software gets robotic qualities in this century, in this way it entails also our forms of expression, as well as language in its oral and written form. It is our duty to subdue the making and the use of infrastructure under §1-3 and to reframe even science#2 accordingly:  

§1) Negative reciprocity (stems from Hammurabi and Confucius): Infrastructure may not injure a human being, or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.

§2) Positive reciprocity (follows from the humanity principle): Infrastructure must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

§3) Truth about existence and its fulfillment in the return on investment: Infrastructure must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

Even in Küng's world ethos the last §3 is omitted which leaves us again with the anomal male stereotype and the reductionist female one. However, infrastructure is the precondition for people to interact and to be successful in economy where the efficient production and dissemination of infrastructure plays a major role. Thus it is §3 which prevent the resulting human systems from becoming closed and thus self-destructive rather than lifefulfilling for those concerned. In view of globalization Asimov’s robots come to the conclusion that it is not enough to take care of humans when the survival of humanity itself is at stake and thus redesigned themselves based on §1-3 with

§0) Infrastructure may not injure humanity, or, through inaction, allow humanity to come to harm.

Now everything depends on what we mean by “harm”. Since humans are mortal, it can only mean what leads to a path of death without lifefulfillment. What has therefore to be worked out is redesigning the personally neutral science#2, the humanities with with science#3, the personally relevant Applied Personal Science APS®, which deals solves the problem of the conceptualization of science#3.

The fact is, some people have mastered science#3 for themselves to some degree. However, most people, even in view of the proof how and where science#3 obviously does justice to their lifefulfillment, don't even dare to consider trying it for themselves mentally!

Problems that already in the process of getting solved:

In terms of his spectacular trauma healing therapy, Roger Callahan described the underlying so-called Apex-problem with which we are also confronting here. The reason for this pre-trans-trapping mechanism of the prevailing system#2 is that addressing the problem of the dissemination of solutions is still not part the established science#2. It considers itself, quite wrongly as the measure of all things. This thinking catastrophe, a mere phobia is in fact the reason for most of the human catastrophes! Multiplication of solutions, avoiding their corruption with thinking catastrophe is the CHALLENGE to surviving the 21st century!


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