1) Getting People Prepared for Redesign

Nach oben ] Knowlege with a Future ] Application ] Source ] [ Preparation ] Duty ] Challenge ] Politics ] Lifefulfilling Platform ] Workshop ] University ]

Research, science and education depend on what is, in people’s minds, r=ready to be discovered and what people are ready to get prepared for in terms of new consequences. Thus the first stage of getting ready for something mentally new consists in finding a sustainable basis for desirable human systems in order to proclaim new ones. And last but not least, people must be motivated and put into a mindset where they are prepared to work out and implement the best insights about the new focus with Timely Exchange of Project-Orientated Competence, TEPOC©.

This has worked fine among others in the Manhattan program to build the atomic bomb, in the NASA project to bring a man on the moon, in getting ready for a war etc.; but in terms of lifefulfillment of as many as possible something is lacking and that since philosophy started to usurp the definition power over mental management, in innate personally relevant matter, with science#2!

This assessment points to the DUTY of what our generation has to work out, before we have multiplied too much of what does not allow a sustainable growth! This points to the

Intention ] of this site with  Applied Personal Science APS®  

 Nach oben ] Knowlege with a Future ] Application ] Source ] [ Preparation ] Duty ] Challenge ] Politics ] Lifefulfilling Platform ] Workshop ] University ]

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