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When we cannot live with what we are granted by other or in our default position of sex, culture and possession, just as the 2S=second prince in a kingdom, then we have to tangibly prove ourselves under self-determined c=constraints, be they money, power or some specific form of competition aiming at ideals such as success, efficiency, beauty etc.

The fact that the three neuronal systems (stem-, mid-brain and frontal lobes) in our head require an attitude to synchronize its otherwise ongoing power struggle, sets a task for each of us. It depends on his or her innate configuration to contribute to the lifefulfillment of as many as possible, above all that of one's self.

The Think-System.ch site reflects the lifefulfilling direction of its author, Dr. Peter Meier; e.g. my GUI=graphical (see where clicking leads you to) user interface to a lifefulfilling platform is as follows:   





The c3-market is interested in c3-social competence that allows the controlled displacement of symptoms, the identification 



substance and its modes and defaults


and command over problems and the communicative implementation of 



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2 days

solutions  so that people are at ease with their substance and earn their living with their F3-competence and projects.

The author's, e.g. my vt-social competence is in t=thinking how to 3Bw=working out how to communicate life-long meaningfully relevant 3=tangible and socially compatible B=boundary conditions. I thus address the problem of the v=value of 5Ow=caring for each other's lifefulfillment in working out 5=entrepreneurial O=objectives with business constitutions. In order to become effective I point to the symptoms of inadequately caring for each other in 6Ce-encounters such as by taking 6=control in business meetings to work out healing ways of establishing communication. In order to displace those symptoms I use state of the art technologies such as the for personal preparation or in small groups via Internet the MindManager, for supporting meetings in medium size groups, GroupSystems, and for implementation in task force teams, Smart Boards. My focus is on the 4Bw-vision that would result in 4=manageable agreements about the (constitutional) basis to work out the B=operational boundary conditions. As an innate resource, in my 9Pr=need for affection to innate causes, I have access to the 9=basics about how to get ready for lifefulfilling P=processes.

In this 4Bw-way my innate competence applied is in F3,4,5,6/9-operational systems that replace science#2-based (rhetoric) systems#2 with personally relevant lifefulfilling platforms based on science#3, Applied Personal Science APS® channeled in the commonly desired direction by a BCM Business Constitutions. Thanks to the concept of APS®-based parameterization briefly outlined above I can turn my system#3 into the Think-Systems.ch business system. Similarly any business can be constitute with one of the 1728 open-ended generative principles, OEGP used to model system#3 that way, using the BCM-procedure. Find out how to deal with the greatest challenge, political correctness...

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An appropriate interface

to a lifefulfilling platform gives its participants access to the collective's

bulletPROBLEM which causes content-free lack personal neutral guilt and debts on the concerned levels: The personal awareness of which give rise to personal concerns and allows those concerned to apply their personally relevant substance to reconcile and overcome it where no science#1 manipulative technology and/or science#2 based rhetoric, politics or mobbing works anymore. I do not overcome my part of the guilt, then I become part of the problem...
bulletSYMPTOMS which when not handled in time lead to the inhibition of the lifefulfillment of those concerned by assigning responsibilities, jobs and position power such as doctors, teachers, builders, lawyers etc.; where I fail on my job, the problem of life increases...
bulletVISION so it can be deregulated where it leads into closed systems and (re)vitalized where it serves lifefulfillment. If I allow the collective trend to misuse me as a scapegoat for its guilt rather than doing my bit to fulfill my life by dedicating it to that part of the collective's vision that serves a sustainable development that suits my life principle then I remain other-determined and thus unfulfilled unfulfilling my job...
bulletorganization and application of the COMPETENCIES of the human resources towards a F3=socially compatible, tangible output such as through opinions, suggestions, work, effort, inventions, discoveries etc.; if I do not contribute with my F3-competencies towards the common good, who can close that gap?


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When I default

by giving in to the c3-MOS,

bulletI simply try to control the symptoms that would otherwise lead to my death,
bulletcommand others or the collective to take my part of the guilt as a  problem and
bulletcommunicate my vision as my opinion in the social Darwinian context of discussions,

I am other-determined of its outcome in the collective c3-trend as follows:




It is my opinion that those who really have or are a solution, are disappointed when they try to approach their fellow humans to consider it when they establish their common objectives; the outcome is rather left to the control of the F3-market... 



Feeling what could be done, I long to do it, if necessary alone


and seek the com- petency to orga-

nize a prototype to command the viability of my contribution to the common good... 



Having thus tried my bit I refuse to take any blame when things go wrong for the collective I am part of: I then just want to communicate within the framework that is acceptable for me to bring it under my control again!

What remains are all the undealt with symptoms of having taken the initiative at the leading edge of the trend to working out the processes I consider unavoidable to cope with my detriment - and by their irritation I "naturally" become over-sensitive to the reactions of others who feel challenged by my way when its leads beyond their comfort zone

In a c3-context this results in my 6Be-PROBLEM => 3Oe-VISION argumentation: Rather than overcoming my guilt with  6Be-self-refusal to go along with c3 based on C3, thus deregulating the trend, in order to revitalize my life based on my X=being, in the c3-MOS determined state of mind, I would refuse to deal with my guilt and argue for 3Oe: Trying to revert the collective guilt rather than mine, I would c3-suggest my 3Oe-FA>SE= factual approach (FA) to what I consider a success experience (SE). 

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If enough people

thus close their mind with a c3-MOS, life becomes a closed c4-game consisting of 

4) control the remaining symptoms where they concern you and thus next to you...

collective guilt

1) communicate your visions as an opinion open for discussion...







3) command your followers
to solve your problems so that you may enjoy life...


2) compete with your skills
to convince others of it
in the F3-market...

personal guilt

In short, in this c3-MOS determined state of mind, I would, in my 6Be-self-refusal in my unavoidable 3Oe-contributions to society be disappointed by its claims to reengineer the C3-substance towards a c3-world in men's image.  In the unavoidable c3-discussions with my fellow humans, I would then unavoidably lose my own C3-substance. In all the resulting noise the collective's guilt would increase along with mine, unnoticed by anybody, everybody blaming someone else all condemned to the c4-game's...

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where the produced Noise in the c3-study#2 of the thus seemingly open c4-games of systems#3, serves system#2 wardens as a pretext to close and the already closed c4-games into mainstream system#2. However, if you are sufficiently c3-rich in the world you may still be tempted to "create" your own world in c3-self-referencing your levels of existence,

bulletthe vision and the potential to deregulate closed systems,
bulletyour F3-modes and through it, politically correct, all the others levels of existence such as
bulletgetting your guilt reconciled in your relations to the Creator and 
bulletthe perspective of your unavoidable death

instead of fulfilling your life with them, resulting in sin through egocentric hedonism. Specifically you may relate to your emotions that others arouse in you rather than to them, and blame them for the resulting guilt projected on a sacpegoat. This social Darwinian way to privatize the profit and globalize the side effects produces a false sense of recreating yourself for it is at the cost of others, actual and/or in future! And since you thus deny yourself, you are part of those "others", which makes this c3-approach a failure on all accounts! Looked at from the outside, this results in the corresponding intrinsic randomness, noise, that is converging to your self-destruction. To push it away requires all your richness you have acquired from out competing others to

bulletcontrol the symptoms that unavoidably haunt you in the end,
bulletcommand the people to solve your problems rather than C3-pointing to the thus ongoing c3-blackart, and 
bulletcommunicate the "high level" you need others to believe you have catapulted yourself to as a vision for them to follow to keep your face until you have reached global attention with its as champion of thus aroused new, but still transient trend... 

and in the end, all your wealth does not suffice and you end as an empty shell in the last shirt that has no pockets.

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In other words

to overcome the closeness of the c4-game, a lifefulfilling platform allows you to fulfill your life instead of wasting in in a meaningless c4-game and it measures your performance between c3-defaulting to the invisible hand of competition and fulfilling your life on the job; a truly lifefulfilling platform does not just promote you, it also challenges you to follow your purpose as your C3-life does it anyway: That is contrary to what systems#2 promises, to let you lead a more simpler life if you default! Let us face it, this promise is just to lure you in so that you can be convinced you to buy into it and by thus increasing your debt increase that of the collective beyond your possibility to repair any of it! Since you death is certain and your competency limits, the vicious circle is closed. Please check out the time frame to which you confine your consideration and you know what kind of problems you are part of...

If everybody would jump of Sydney's Harbor Bridge would you jump too? 

As our university student, you are asked for a corresponding feedback to get the parameters of your interface and its default...