Dr. Peter Meier
Academy4 Think-Systems
Bachmattstr. 23
CH-8048 Zürich (Switzerland)
Tel ++41 44/432 89 59

Think for Lifefulfillment

An Initiative for a Global Marshall Plan has been set up to overcome the consequences of the established work of knowledge...


Applied Personal Science#3 APS®

South Austrailia

Jerusalem Platform

Trauma and Thought File Therapy

Application Szenario

in GERMAN Medienmitteilungen


We do not need think tools to enhance thinking catastrophes which lead to human catastrophes! Each human being needs his or her think-systems, which provides an interface to tune into his or her law of lifefulfillment in order to give it the appropriate meaning.

Humans need Lifefulfilling Think-Systems which allows them to reflect their Principle of Lifefulfillment: A computer has an operating system, since Plato, more than 24 centuries ago, humans basically just have philosophy available to think about how to deal with each other. This generalizing wordy approach with its innate dynamic, however, does not justice to any real persons principle of lifefulfillment. It has been constructed so that men can rule over men, master over slave, managers over workers.

Let us face it; we have no other power than to give meaning to the created order for we cannot create a sustainable one beyond it! That requires a trading zone between the present and the future, conscience in tune with substantiality based on insights from the past experience. That is what an engineer does when he designs a machine; he gives meaning to relevant laws of physics for the user, say car driver. Thus our machines are parameterized according to control them with our needs, hopefully within the limits where no accident happens, say less velocity than would throw the car out of the next curve. It is a brand mark of post-normal intellectuals to pretend they know better and that "anything goes", that even the laws of nature are mere social conventions, up to the point where they can be rhetorically manipulated. That is the worst thinking catastrophe and they are  looking  for think tools to globalize it to save their faces. In fact that globalizes the human catastrophes associated with it through the law of causality, just as in the above example of a car speeding too fast into a curve. The former is the subject of science#1, the latter that of science#3. To find out what that means, it is the key to the 21st century and provides the basis for lifefulfilling platforms.

All genuine human experience point to one Creator. The wordy concept "God", however has evolved in many facets to please its system wardens. And so Nietzsche could declare "God" as dead and that was taken serious, say by the Nazis. Combining it with Wagner's anti-Semitism, the Nazi ideology evolved in the so-called "Tausendjähriges Reich", which in fact only lasted 12 years...

The fact is, God, nature and you have something in common:


God is who he is and is infinitely aware of it,


the laws of nature are what they are without nature arguing with you about it, for they are what God made them to be, beyond human manipulation, and so


are you and thus, you are too, who you are whether you are aware of it or not!

And now it is time we find out what that entails, with science#3; personally relevant for as many as possible so the they may fulfill their lives on yet to be designed lifefulfilling platforms, rather than go on wasting them in the prevailing self-destructive systems#2.

How can we know of a Creator rather than a blind Evolution?

- All life forms are programmed the same way, with their innate DNA.
- Not just nature, everything is changed by immutable laws. This approach has lifted the science of nature beyond arbitrary alchemy.
- In fact Jesus defined himself as the path, the truth and life which leads to God the Creator and as pointed out, any other approach has led to human catastrophes.


I want to share Follow Your Dreams by D. Conway Stone with you; while it is somewhat superficial, it has a discussion of values and 5 principles worth being considered:


  1. God is the creator of all


 when I have found love or truth, I have found God


truth will eventually win out


illusion is evil's greatest weapon.

  1. The meaning of life is to love God

  2. Everyone is my superior in that I may learn from them.

  3. Nothing is wrong in and of itself. It is our abuse of it that makes it wrong.

  4. Creativity and positive expectation can affect the outcome of any situation

However, God is not the way humans wish him to be. Even Auschwitz is not proof that he does not exist as a caring Creator.

The quest for human values upon which knowledge work with future can be derived produces results where the substantiality created by God are the focus and the fail, where humans become sumptuous. This has proven time an again the God is, but often quite different from what we expected or made to believe. In fact it is this experience which make a human being able to love and love worthy and its suppression, impotent...

Shakespeare 's Richard II exemplifies the human tragedy in attempting to be God-like. Insisting on it, despite all warning, has resulted in the post-normal ideology of globalization.

Admittedly it is hard to get these points across when only a few people seem to be willing to relate to each other on these terms. Simplifying them so that anything goes is what is "in"; if you thus can't get a genuine word in edgewise, walk away from the conversation: Anyone who isn't smart enough to hear you out probably wouldn't benefit from your words in terms of the above five points anyway. According to Matthew 14:22-33, Peter steps out of a boat and carries on his shoulders the weight of everyone who’s ever mixed skepticism with faith. It begins this way:

Immediately (Jesus) made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead to the other side, while he dismissed the crowdsAnd after he had dismissed the crowds, he went up the mountain by himself to pray.”  John’s version of this story (John 6:15-21) says that “Jesus realized that the people were about to come and take him by force to make him king, so he withdrew himself again to the mountain to be alone.” Jesus knew he was in a dangerous situationHis multiplication of the loaves and fish had gotten the crowd so excited that they were about to pick him up and drag him off to Jerusalem to take over the government. And indeed later on they hailed him more to the point on Palm Sunday and then chose him to be crucified when he did not go along with them once more. Confronted with the Pharisee's choice between him and a terrorist, almost the same people cried: "Crucify him!".

If Jesus had had any political ambition, this would have been the time to go for it.  All he had to do was give himself over to the adoring masses.  But he didn’t. Instead, he escaped onto a mountain to be alone. But first Jesus sends his disciples off on a boat ride; without him. Even with them, he did not aspire to worship, but personally relevant understanding, for without it, even worship is idolatry!

Philosophy pretends to think about rationally what in most people is still a hidden agenda. This approach thus aims at harvesting greed and fear hidden under the veil of political correctness. Thus it allows those who can apply philosophy to manipulate those people and project their interests. That is what theology and politics is all about and is used to legitimate definition and position power with its associated privileges.


Apparently Jesus was intentionally sending his disciples into a storm. Matthew explains it.  “When evening came, Jesus was there alone, but by this time the boat, battered by the waves, was far from the land, for the wind was against them.” 

There’s a problem here.  Why would Jesus knowingly send his friends off alone into trouble?  It makes us uneasy because it may imply that God could do the same thing to us so that we also get an opportunity to learn our lesson if we we are closed to anything but learning it the hard way for ourselves. This is to overcome defaulting to the masses or pursuing our non-sustainable hidden agenda, for God is who he is. Even alone among the other humans, your Creator is personally interested in your lifefulfillment. In fact he is personally offering you, among others, a think-systems, through his Word, not think-tools for you to get more of the same by infotaining others to go along with you...

In its uncompromising search for consistency in the philosophical approach it was in the German culture, above any other, one of the most cultivated one in terms of philosophy, where the most horrendous crimes in history were committed.


"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends"
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr

In short, people believing in God know, that they are who they are, a unique Creature of his to fulfill their life and not a man-made system, in his Creation not in man-made virtual reality! No wonder this is the key issue; only people who do not know about their unique identity in God can seemingly be made to do what their leaders, in the name of the spirit of the time, and ultimately the devil wants them to be, condemned from who they are. Thus people can be made other-determined to attempt usurping their Creator, cannibalizing his Creation and misuse other Creatures similarly by convincing them to worship their union with man-made and thus non-sustainable idols, above all, Mammon. Among others, to state "I am who I am", was made a blasphemy which in Jesus' time meant a death sentence. As the alternative to such a self-destructive world we pursue lifefulfilling platforms, based on science#3: It is based on the understanding that each human being is who he or she is and to make that explicit and operational as best our conscience allows.

More in-depts information: 

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