Dr. Peter Meier
Academy4 Think-Systems
Bachmattstr. 23
CH-8048 Zürich (Switzerland)
Tel ++41 44/432 89 59


The greatest tragedies are still represented as accidents and research into their causes inhibited; Titanic, World Wars, Space Shuttle Disasters, Grounding of once excellent companies...


[Nach oben] [Mission] [Reverse HRM] [Case Studies]


Pretending a reference to be a substitute for one's own understanding is spreading a thinking catastrophe. References to outdated systems of thought breed thinking-, and as a consequence, human- catastrophes. Thus we would rather give hints to what is, than references to opinions about it...  

Context: Conventional philosophy claims that a human system can only have a transparent model of itself, opaque, that is without the awareness that it is a model. It  concludes that this model then becomes its conscious self which is then lived as if this would not be a category error. Similarly people mix up the real impact of companies with their designed corporate identity - which among others, in the case of "Swissair" fostered its grounding in 2001. The philosophical conclusion that we are unable to discern the model from self consequently means we are trapped within ourselves in a closed system. Giving in to that thinking catastrophe makes a human system ending up self-destructive. However, we are not bound to endure the consequence of this explicitly stated impotence of philosophy! Its claim that we are unable to understand who we are has been disproved; its claim is more of a reflection upon itself than a science about human systems.

Trained as a physicist I have learned to model so far not understood phenomena such as in 1970, aero-dynamics under (space shuttle) re-entry conditions (where the gas is a doubly ionized plasma). There the overall quality of the resulting plasma is no longer a statistical property of chaotically pushed around gas atoms, but dependent upon the inner quality of the atoms concerned. Similarly, globally net-worked human systems cannot adequately be treated with sociological statistics and simplifying psychology; Gorbatschov was one of the examples of the global impact of one real human being. In fact, I modeled his potential impact before he dissolved the Soviet Union.

Based on Applied Personal Science APS® we require some answers from those concerned in a project in order to model them as a human system and the state of their self model in reference to their principle of lifefulfillment as their true lifefulfilling identity. This approach has been put into action first of all in German - the translation in English is under way as our projects require.

The result of our analysis of human systems is the state of their “being switched on” and its consequences in a collective, such as a company. Compare this to the state of the ignition sequence before driving a car. The 23 potential “ignition sequences” can be laid out in what we call a Mental-Learning-Park©.

Rather than conventional up-front teaching of generalized principles with its known inefficiency when it comes to implementation, we use adequate forms of Mental-Learning-Park©, ranging from paper to an actual park. With this we manifest what is to be taught in a way as close to the job situation as possible, but making the so far opaque state of the human system available for understanding and optimization.

Similar to the budget fulfillment sessions of management we thus introduce life- through task-fulfillment assessments of those who move the numbers in a company, and that with all the possible implementation and new possibility for the human resource management. In short, we have overcome the dead end, philosophy has brought us to with its self-fulfilling prophecy of impotence when it comes to life- through task-fulfillment. Look at the state of the world and you become aware of the necessity of this breakthrough – we walk the talk - test us - don't argue!

Demanding a recipe for a symptom, a word as an explanation and substitutes for understanding, is the approach fostered by philosophy. It doesn't promote being switched on mentally to one's principle of life-fulfillment! However, in that capacity humans can be rationalized and are more and more outsourced with all the social implications...

Companies are moved by their people and their human system. In it their relationships are based on their understanding of each other and the common purpose, and their attitude to be prepared to reconcile their personal need for lifefulfillment with the requirements of their jobs. Those in charge make their demands upon those they are responsible for, and those concerned, with their opinions about their superiors. All concerned search for better ways based on their hidden agendas and the objective requirements they perceive. When someone has found a better way, the problem of its implementation arises. In today's world the latter is in more and more situations, starting with politics, the major problem for our basic philosophy. Established philosophy and its disciples in the humanities up to management advocate to be the solution, while in fact it has become the major problem as outlined above.

Are you ready to proceed with us with the principle of postponed prejudice? Are you ready to let go living your models and treat them as what they are meant to be, models? Models need to be adjusted to one's genuine substantiality towards one's principle of lifefulfillment and then fulfilled! 

If so, then you are prepared to answer the basic question of life, so we can identify your open-ended generative principle before you demand any recipe...

Based on what we can trigger with the analysis of your answers, you are then asked to implement your best insights into the human systems your are part of.

Ultimately there is no substitute for this approach as hurtful it might be when your first prejudice is at stake...

We address people who have a genuine personal claim to have a say in their business, and who demand an appropriate think-system to fulfil the task they have set for themselves in cooperation with those concerned. We are not into think-tools to promote wishful thinking. We support people and companies with think-systems which have been proven to model the substantialities of those involved in view of their task - towards life-fulfillment to adequately allow those concerned to fulfil their responsibilities. Think of an architect who is prepared to account for the framework the civil engineer prescribes for his design. Consider the consequences of proceeding merely based on opinions...  

This approach we propose is unique, and its basis, Applied Personal Science APS® extends beyond the humanities with the above mentioned inadequacy. It thus requires openness for a scenario-specific personal experience of the difference between hints and models and what they are supposed to point to, beyond merely exchanging opinions as in the now outdated yet stelll prevailing way of proceeding.

What we offer goes beyond being encapsulated into nicer denotations, generalizing words and tags,  and it is not more or something better of the same. It is proven and operational for what is so called "human resource management". The first step is to switch on, the so-called "resources", real people, using an appropriate Mental-Learning-Parks©.

In short, only appropriate models of substantialities, not just those of nature, but also of the people concerned, have a mental future worth aiming for. And this is the first principle of knowledge work that results in a desirable future. There is no point in discussions before that principle is not sufficiently implemented with those concerned, and there is no necessity for us to do so. Would you drive your car with its starter motor?

What is the point of high-tech when the users are low-minded? This question made me change from physics to Applied Personal Science APS® - to end up proving that this step is congruent with the principle of my life's fulfillment. Philosophers who do not care for under-standing end up proving to themselves that they know nothing...

Specifically: We deliver think-systems as a basis for making the knowledge work with human systems result in a desirable future. Delivery includes the design of appropriate think-systems to fit the need of those concerned, the training to use them and support in making it operational using the state of the art of IT-technology and other means.

At this point it is time you face the seven questions life puts to you at all its levels, up to the board and to other worldly thrones...

Allow us to make the proven procedure primarily in German operational for you in English. Since it is beyond culture, it is possible to do it on the job. Experience in all kind of cultures are proof of it. The bottleneck to be overcome are the same everywhere and they are laid out in the 23 Mental-Learning-Paths.

In the Mental-Learning-Park© you are symbolically  confronted with the main alternatives of life and that, on the path which does justice to your principle of lifefulfillment.

As soon as you have observed enough others on their path, you begin to appreciate Applied Personal Science APS®, the underlying science about what requires to be considered to do justice to real human systems. For business minded people; we are referring to what moves business - real people, not philosophical abstracts... 


You may agree that it is wise to attempt to make the job fulfillment converge towards lifefulfillment or you may ignore the latter, and demand what is required of the job - full stop. In the latter case you must be actively discouraging system work, by pretending you do not understand, demeaning it, and overwriting it with systems "emerged" from historical "evolution" or simply, in the "name of the people" or any authority which seems fit - as long as the person you are relating to is nor part of your self-inflicted paradigm. On the active side you must be interested in how to traumatize others in who they are, so you may convince them with your ideas - this is called rhetoric or democracy in its uneducated form. On a higher level you must master the black art of infotainment by which many people are made to go along based on nothing substantial - it helps if you can stage an enemy, to make people to go to war with you and forget about their substances in the name of "god" and the "fatherland" or simply the "invisible hand of the market".

Along the path we suggest, you will understand what matters beyond your other-determined and/or self-inflicted image of how it should be, and then, you are willing to walk your talk. In short, before any mission can take of successfully, those concerned need to be switched on...



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[Nach oben] [Mission] [Reverse HRM] [Case Studies]