by Dr. Peter Meier BCM Business Constitution Movement
Dr. Ted Sandercock Concerns_Based Consultants

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ABSTRACTS - Exemplification of the OEGP-thinking

This paper describes the basic human functions as they evolve in human history as well as in the personal development of individuals. The application development of the basic functions F1-9 since 1980 is based on the concepts underlying Applied Personal Science APS® and has led to the implementation of Business Constitutions. The success of this approach stems from APS®’s capability to model specific humans systems, ranging from individuals, to their relationships and teams. Beyond numbers and words, open-ended generative principles, OEGPs, with the main focus on the human systems in business, up to cultures are used. This allows reconciliation between the individual and the collective. The participants in a business with a constitution based on an appropriate OEGP have a guarantee of an open-ended growth that generates the desired products and services in tune with the principles of lifefulfillment of those concerned. However,  this requires and welcomes personal awareness! The motivation of having their right for fulfillment guaranteed in a business, is that participants likewise contribute in their open-ended way to generate what the business requires. They do it with their principles, but transparent to each other and thus open for low level co-ordination in view of a genuinely lean management! More and more participants in an organization at this leading edge state, are then prepared to deregulate their outdated mental operating systems, MOS, and revitalize more desirable ones that allow for a corresponding redesign of the business to meet the actual requirements. The return on the investment of this kind of organizational and personal development is his is the resulting synergy which is unthinkable in a formally or a post-normally regulated business. The advantage of the F1-9 approach lies in the fact that it accounts for the relevant causes in the environment and the inner substances of those concerned in a way that can not be corrupted by hidden agendas and mere rhetoric without violating the business constitution.

The key to sustainable growth lies in the transformation of business from its still predominantly pre-Magna Chart state, to one that matches the technological progress and the necessities in terms of a lifefulfilling development. This paper will outline the basics of the new OEGP-thinking on the basis of Applied Personal Science APS® with the F1-9 model. For future work it is worth mentioning that APS® works with 1728 OEGPs, each with a potential compared to personally neutral psychology. They group into the nine aspects corresponding to F1-9; most relevant for business and the understanding of human history.

© Copyright 2000 Dr. Peter Meier, presented at the 5th ALARPM World Congress
   University of Ballerat (Australia)

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     Updated 21.05.17