From "Success" to Lifefulfillment...

Nach oben ] Ports ] Dynamic ] Questions ] Analysis ] Success ] [ Fulfilment ]

Having drilled deeper into TT(BPm)-"success" it has turned out that its associated three levels of conditioning are is not sufficient for fulfillment. This is so because going for success is not sustainable in itself, for that aspiration leads to self-destructiveness just like initially successful cancer or for that matter Hitler to Stalingrad or the Japanese to the fall of Singapore and for that matter casino capitalism until the crash, Bin Laden's story till September 11 2001 and Bush's environment and other policies until the point of publicly recognized disaster.

What is sustainable in itself is nothing but a fulfilled human life, first of all that of Jesus Christ. That brings as back from false identities, to the only one each of us has to fulfill his or her life with, that in which each of us is consciously, who he or she is. The resulting open-question each of us should find an answer to before the end of his or her life generates science#3 and its OEGP-principles.

In terms of success it is a matter all playing the same game such as earning money and/or gaining power over others. That game is won by the successful few at the cost of all the others as losers. In other words in that win-lose game nobody is themselves, they all fulfill a game instead such a for seventy years, communism, one of the many footnote of Plato's science#2 (the fight for denotations) and now post-modern casino capitalism: The game remains, people are its fuel; sounds like a lot a fun and game. MAR 2:27 sets the priorities right: Then he said to them, "The Sabbath was made to benefit people, and not people to benefit the Sabbath. The latter in fact leads to non-sustainable hell in which humans c3-interact inhumanly up to genocide to serve denotations, wordily competing with sustainable C3-OEGP-fulfilling life! People who play such games pretend their brain is just a c3-supercomputer, however, it is a C3-system which generates a behavior for survival (stem-brain) and lifefulfillment (frontal lobes) or for that matter, if c3-conditioned wrongly by self or others, the opposite....

We all have a F1=need to try to gain a N=now, which allows as a F=future; that is called survival. Similarly we are F9=trying to find our P=past origin which allows us a meaningful future. Thus fulfilling life consists in reconciling the F1-earthly external need with the F9-internal spiritual need. The fact#3 is, there are 144 ways to innately relate to F1 and F9 and thus 144 OEGP-path to reconcile them.

And beyond this OEGP-complexity#3, each person has given his of her meaning to his or her OEGP in view of opening up to what in the c3-world seems an end and generating within his or her life principle to its fulfillment:


For that purpose you may decide to F2=work in order to b=balance the F1-needs to get some control of !=death.


At your wits end with working, say as an artist, you might consider F3=sharing some of it with others, thus achieving a better balance in satisfying the y=minimal requirement for living together. Trade is born, the minimal requirement for culture.


A culture begins to develop a PP=past of the past. e.g. a recorded history in order to better F4=manage it. Here we are at the building of the tower of Babel...


If God the Creator has enough of man-made management such as in Babel, of if it becomes arrogant and sumptuous beyond reason and the law of nature, disaster strikes to restore the created I=concepts in the p=perceptions of those involved. This means the higher power (God, the law of nature) to which F9-refers to (religion, science), reaffirms its F7=influence in people's mind, and their MOS which results in learning how to manage things more sustainable and the point of life. Thus religion, moral and ethics developed.


This has lead to today's system#2 which at the point of their closure and global saturation begin to create more problems than solutions. Thus the time has come to b=balance system#2 with system#3 of those concerned on lifefulfilling platforms. This requires an interface to you, so that you do what is F8=necessary to deregulate system#2 to accommodate your law of lifefulfillment, so that you in return can revitalize the society it applies for by thus fulfilling your life.

This is one meaningful way in which the truth revealed in the experience of social conditioning comes to fruition in fulfilled lives instead of in itself, to become a self-destructive end in a human catastrophe. It also allows to reframe what is still relevant about the personally neutral science#2 such as the casuistic procedures in common law and above all the categorical Ten Commandments in EXO 20:2-17:

F2=F1(b!): Indicates what we should b=measure up to and trust when we turn our F1-need into F2-doing and what we should !=refrain from:

2 "I am the LORD your God, who rescued you from slavery in Egypt.
3 "Do not worship any other gods besides me.

In addition, each OEGP relates differently to F1-9. In the case of my 9Pr this entails the challenge of my 1Pw-intuintion to work it out as a process towards M=maximally 2Pm-experimenting with what 2Be c=characterized human lifefulfillment best beyond  the 2Be-inferior way this is done in science#2, while only y=minimally compromising with 2Bm-aimlessly defaulting to the trend to overcome this c3-attitude as a 2Pe-blockage in my h=living space to make it my home for lifefulfillment.  

F3=by(F2): Indicates the y=minimal requirement in F3-giving meaning to man-made things in its dissemination in order not to corrupt God as the measure of all things to b=balance our mind with

4 "Do not make idols of any kind, whether in the shape of birds or animals or fish.

F3 involves my t=thinking, which has lead me away from expressing myself merely in inadequate, personally neutral words and/or in content-free numbers (as a trained physicist) towards more personally relevant, 3Bw-meaningful open-ended generative principles, OEGP.

F4=VV: Establishes the F4-management rules and the recording of and the consequences in history 

5 You must never worship or bow down to them, for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God who will not share your affection with any other god! I do not leave unpunished the sins of those who hate me, but I punish the children for the sins of their parents to the third and fourth generations.

F4 involves my f=feeling which makes me 4Oe-long for how and towards what, humans can sustainably  S=defocus from the 4Cm-outbreak of outrages mass opinion.

F6=p(F4): Points to God p=perceiving what he F6-controls so we may control ourselves accordingly

6 But I lavish my love on those who love me and obey my commands, even for a thousand generations.

F6 involves my attempts to b=balance 6Om-ruthlessness in 6Ce-meetings which I otherwise !=die away from, mobbed to ineffectiveness, condemned to watch another human system go down the drain of its c3-self-destructiveness...

F5=cy(F4): Points to what humans have to y=minimally consider in their own F5-endeavours

7 "Do not misuse the name of the LORD your God. The LORD will not let you go unpunished if you misuse his name.
8 "Remember to observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.
9 Six days a week are set apart for your daily duties and regular work,
10 but the seventh day is a day of rest dedicated to the LORD your God. On that day no one in your household may do any kind of work. This includes you, your sons and daughters, your male and female servants, your livestock, and any foreigners living among you.
11 For in six days the LORD made the heavens, the earth, the sea, and everything in them; then he rested on the seventh day. That is why the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and set it apart as holy.

F5 involves my v=value to 4Ow-caring for the 5Or-dependencies we need to consider for L=solutions.

F7=pI(F9): God F7-influencing people to shape their I=concepts to the p=perceived reality of their existence and thus honor their roots in view of attempts to replace them with myths such the evolution out of a Big Bang in chaos - a lot of people know more about that such myths than about their parents, let alone about themselves...

12 "Honor your father and mother. Then you will live a long, full life in the land the LORD your God will give you.

F7 involves my p=perception to 7Cr-adapt to proven 7Cw-self-determiend I=concepts to gain the influence to deregulate and revitalize system#2 with lifefulfilling platforms.

F8=p(F4): Points to the F8-necessities to be p=observed in order to be able to live together meaningfully.

13 "Do not murder.
14 "Do not commit adultery.
15 "Do not steal.
16 "Do not testify falsely against your neighbor.
17 "Do not covet your neighbor's house. Do not covet your neighbor's wife, male or female servant, ox or donkey, or anything else your neighbor owns."

F8 involves my 8Br-determination for a J=self-justification based on who I am in terms of F9, 9Pr-preparing the basic process which does justice to my X=being, through fulfilling my life correspondingly as outlined her, with my work#3, of allowing modeling human systems with its lifefulfilling OEGP.

So how about not coveting the identity of who we are and instead invest into science#3 to transcend the science#2 and prejudices#0 about the essential matter of our C3-true identity in order to allow lifefulfilling platforms? Already at Moses' time, people were concerned with it and laid the basics for it. The fact is, we still share the 200'000 old neuronal hardware with them and the same denotational software. So after all the history we generated with it, it is time we move on in the right direction of lifefulfilling platforms rather than backwards to further organizing the spirit of the time's origin, chaos and Big Bang fantasies and golden calf idolatries with high-tech!


  Nach oben ] Ports ] Dynamic ] Questions ] Analysis ] Success ] [ Fulfilment ]  

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