The §1-social order primarily aims at getting things under control, command people for that purpose and communicate to them in such a way that they all behave socially compatible, whatever that means. And as such it leads to the known systems#2 which close onto themselves to become self-destructive and people, like on the Titanic, at a loss to prevent their collapse in human catastrophes. This problem of the lack of a meaningful convergence of human life can only be solved if the the c3-MOS mental operating systems which developed when people had to survive outside the c3-C3 paradise, is embedded in a C3-MOS: Thus §1 is to be reframed beyond system#2 in enough qualified people's head in view of providing lifefulfilling platforms which support and ask people to fulfill their lives as who they are in terms of how God the Creator created them as his Creatures fear each to fulfill his or her life as who we are accordingly, and that, in his Creation. In fact the snake c3-seduced Eve to reduce Adam's conscience with the promise that by eating the apple he might turn into any anomaly he c3-desires. Let "Adam" stand for mankind, the "snake" for system#2 and "Eve" for people's c3-MOS mental operating system, the apple for any know-how that is supposed to yield power, and "God" their C3-MOS, e.g. conscience by which they can relate to their Creator who has proven that he has an active personal interest in each of us personal lifefulfillment, then the project of setting up lifefulfilling platform follows for good-willed people who are open to their a=intuitive mode of being which C3-opens them beyond any, in terms of their lifefulfillment, non-sustainable c3-system#2. But then life becomes a task of deregulating systems#2, beginning with one's own c3-MOS, before they collapse onto themselves, and C3-revitalizing them, thus fulfilling one's life. With this information YOU have the choice to proceed either
The Bible has exemplified this struggle with Jonah fleeing from the LORD in JON 1 to open up Nineveh in how Jonah insisted in God c3-redesigning Nineveh with brute force, just as the Jews wanted to make Jesus their kind, redesigning Rome in their image, lacking the B1-belief that even the people of Nineveh and Rome are who they are and that God can reach their hearts to turn them from §1>L3 frivolity towards §1>§2. At the time I designed this site, August 17, 2002, the flood in Dresden was at its unknown height and George W. Bush was brooding how to destroy the regime in Iraq still refusing §1>§2>§3 towards a sustainable global §0-order. He was in fact begging governments to sign a treaty with him not to extradite possible American violators of international law to a World Court. In fact by sabotaging the Kyoto-Protocol in the interest of US-lobbies from which his father and his pawls earn their money, he himself is already identified as such a violator! Similarly, among others, Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi L3-redesigns §1-laws with the c3-infotainment of the media chain he owns, to protect himself and his c3-power likewise. In fact, with or without someone else's opinion proceeding anticlockwise (§1>L3...) in the reality of life is bad, for it leads to self-destructive systems#2, while turning clockwise (§1>§2>§3>§0>B1...) is good, for it leads to lifefulfilling platforms on which as many people as possible can fulfill their lives. Now that we have established a path in the reality of life, e.g. the sequence in which to activate the ports on interfaces to lifefulfilling platforms it becomes a matter of getting at the truth which sets the user of such an interface free to fulfill his or her life as who he or she is. I am again using my 9Pv-interface to exemplify what using the interface congruent to one's law of lifefulfillment entails:
Similarly if you turn your B=belief simply as the truth into §-laws you are wrong. A belief wants to be tested in H=hope and L=love, e.g. in deeds, before it is turned into laws, just as falling in love and loving comes before marriage. Also it is not a matter b>§-regulate God, but to follow the B>H>L>§-path he points: