Having introduced the way to model human systems, we are now looking at how a human system stand its ground, reacts, uses infrastructure and projects its own systems confronted with the environment and systems. Ass exemplification I am referring to my 9Pr-OEGP: BPOCm: As long as anything goes, such as in postmodern societies, humans go on m=multiplying what earns them a living and satisfies their needs, B=boundary conditions, P=processes, O=objectives and C=communication. However, each human being has a certain inner ptTG-attitutde towards BPOCm which surfaces when the thus forming trend tend to make people other-determined. In ma case it is tGGG as you can reproduce from my approach:
Stereotype: This inner urge to avoid BPOC-!X-other-determinedness is usually spontaneously encountered with one of the three "male" / "female" / "childish" stereotypes of chickening out with an anomaly, reducing the meaning of the danger, or for that matter the scapegoat, or by eliminating the symptom/problem. One of the three stereotype is used by or being, and we are socially conditioned with one of the "male"/"female" one, depending on our sex where it is generally recognized, that we are who we are, apart from abnormal attitudes and the rare cases of biological abnormalities. Needless to say that the human behavior just based on thus defaulting to unconscious fear and socially acceptable stereotypes brings us into BPOCm-troubly by which most people end up more or less traumatized and mentally reduced to a one-track minded c3-MOS. Science#2 social conditioning: That is the point where system#2 comes in with its claim to educate, administer und rule people, using the pre-trans-trap. However, that is a double edged sword, with which 27.8% go T-along with, 22.9% such as I G-oppose with science#3, 22.9% consider p-primitive and outdated by better insights into the art#0 of convincing, and 26,48% try to t-transcend with science#1. The discussions are then concluded with the science#2 dominated pre-trans-trap, instrumentalizing technology#1 to globalize it and applying art#0 to infotain people not to worry about the rest risks. TT(BPm)-Modes: The post-normal system#2 reduces people, who want to play a part in it, to their modes whose BPm-states are T-congruent to their innate knowledge work. This to be cool in the trend, to go on dancing on the Titanic up to the point of NO return and beyond. However, one out of three people, just like myself have no such mode and thus get uneasy before the Titanic hits the iceberg and which makes them ideals scapegoats up to that point, especially when they also have an innate "childish" stereotype, try to use science#3 to oppose science#2 and insist with F9, that God's Creature are who they are, thus made by the Creator to fulfill their lives in his Creation. In short, humans as such inhibit each others lifefulfillment if the lack a sense of who they are! Thus wordy science#2 in itself cannot be the solution to the human detriment as which it positions it sumptuousness; it is the problem! And that is precisely what you can use it for, to describe the problem, as I did above and that is all you ever get from the humanities and only crooks promise more and only fools, who have not understood yet, that they are who the are, go along with them, following "Eve" and "Adam", and other stereotypes and crying "crucify him" to whoever tells them the truth, that alone sets them free from thinking catastrophes which end in human catastrophes... So the question is, how could say I myself have been trapped for the first half of my life into this thinking catastrophe in Switzerland, seemingly the best system#2? My rising concerns were simply frames as ?0/opinions (congruent with me defaulting my inner tensions, with 2Cm-blaming) of my *3/ego (2Cm-blaming), However, since these are states#2, my G-opposition was raised. By seeking
+2/more pleasure
%1/political correctness
was 2Oe-simplified by me as having personal integrity
This unresolved problem of going along with the humanities culminated in 1986 and I emigrated to Australia; I felt overwhelmed by the mainstream BPm-tendency in Switzerland to which I had nothing to add, and naively though I could reconnect to the way I experienced Australia when I made my PhD in physics 1970-73, when I was still unaware of the dynamic in and among human systems! However, shortly afterwards my ex-wife used her female stereotype and tried to reduce mine to her linking and since I could not and did not want to go along, so I went along with eliminating our marriage. In my daughters mind this is, and therefore I am, an anomaly and that was her way to cope. From then on I began to shift my learning from physics#1 (which thus t-transcended my understanding) to Applied Personal Science#3 APS®, until in 1980 that became my T-call in terms of my o-output in terms of the EF, the one out of 12 dimensions mentioned, individual awareness. In short the above described dynamics of the 9Pp-OEGP was at work in and around me, before I understood it, for I am who I am, from birth to death. And as you can now hopefully see that is not meant in behavioral terms#1, the wordy terms of psychology#2, which I both had to unlearn just as well as learning to accept that I am not a p-primitive esoteric open-ended generator#0 with which "anything goes". At the time of my crisis in 1976, still working as a physicist, the hunch that I am who I am, became a certainty and gave rise to the question, how to model who I am. I was then in a position to apply my growing understanding in a complex software project with over a hundred people. When the penny dropped in 1979, I left my government job, went into management and half a year later, started my own business. In 1980 the basic foundation for Applied Personal Science#3 APS® was becoming operational on a diskette driven PC of the Logical machine Corporation with a 4G-software. However, I grossly underestimated the above dynamics, and it took another 22 years to get it all sorted out and the clarity and the operationality which is pointed to here. An important key were 7 questions.... |