by Peter Meier
and Ted Sandercock



Over the generations, the models of society people have used and learned from have become more and more complex. Both the individual and the collective Think-Systems have tried to become more relevant and/or important. Both can have an impact on and among each other, e.g. individuals in a relationship, teams in organizations, companies in nations, a culture on humankind. This impact can be destructive, self-destructive, illusory or meaningfully creative.

  1. In early generations individuals had their impacts as hunters and gathers.

  2. As farmers they developed more energy to produce what they needed to survive in less time.

  3. In the spare time the traded their surplus productions; today skills and trades are rapidly reengineering the world and are being

  4. rationalized and handed over to automated machines, computers and robots. Some biotechnologists overshoot and claim that life in its biological form is outdated by technological evolution

  5. However the fact is science and technology impact the quality of human life and the environment in which life exists. A review of the 20th century history reveals the destructiveness of humans and groups of individuals aroused, for example Stalin, Hitler, Maos, Pol Pot, and more recently Saddam Hussein, Milosevic and revolutionary tribal groups in various African countries, or the Mafia. Plato and his followers such as Marx and their footnotes, mentally prepared the individuals who caused such human catastrophes. Their physical consequences range from US bombing campaigns to Tschernobyl and the "peaceful" environmental pollution and wasting resources such as in the Amazone virgin forest.

  6. The most recent approach to revive educational, social, cultural and economic life is team-work. Genuine team-work requires a common reality and mutual trust. Trust can develop through having models of each other in dealing with the truth as that which sets you free to fulfill your life. 

  7. Most models being used are simplifications aimed at acceptance rather than adequacy, which has undesirable long-term effects. The ones we focus on here to overcome are so devastating - such as mere rhetoric, that humans lose their long-term options.

  8. Models that are developed retrospectively from the symptoms and as such exclude the solution which provokes necessities and the need to overcome them.  

  9. The conventional scientific approach to the development of appropriate models views human endeavor as the dominance over objects.

A more encompassing model develops human understanding aiming at a basis for better relationships and sustainable qualitative development in view of the lifefulfillment of those concerned:

To follow this alternative model brings the model builder into conflict with present scientific methodology, the value systems of the scientific community. This leads as to the underlying mental operating system, c3-MOS based on command (with words) - control (with numbers) - communicate (add-on-values using rhetoric to side-track critics from their understanding of the long-term consequences of an exclusive c3-based culture). Whatever is created and does not just evolve is too complex for the c3-MOS, never mind if the result is a world even more complex and threatening than what is possible if the initial complexity is adequately dealt with. Inhibiting the exploration of alternatives to c3 with a corresponding MOS, requires, on the collective level, the continuation of dominating media images, generalized 'public' viewpoints and on the personal level, fitting each other into the corporate identity of globalizing companies and their now less and less controllable dynamics.

This paper presents a model of the nine basic human functions and verifies it in terms of human activities as they evolved historically in their increasing complexity and indicates ways to

  • overcome the prevailing non-sustainable resource management

  • deal with the 'group think' of present society and associated production habits

  • develop new understandings to allow the solutions of the real problems

  • relate to present problems which are no longer local but increasingly global

  • restructure individual personal relationships and

  • reengineer and redesign outdated closed systems, which

  • reduce and demean human beings and instead

  • integrate people's lives as meaningful processes and  

  • regain the proper meaning of communication and object-management 

All of the corresponding new realities need to be put in the context of requiring acknowledgement of what has been Created, what impact it has on Creation and the living Creature with a new, so-called C3-MOS: Humans live in a world of limited resources, but unlimited open-ended generative OEGP potential to make use of their innate life principles. Thus the basics of the C3-mental operating system are pr=personally relevant OEGP, which do justice to the lifefulfilling principles of the human systems concerned. OEGP transcend the limitation of human expression reduced to pn=personally neutral words, and cf=content-free numbers! Traditionally we have outsourced O to the political opening up of people, E to the economic ends, G to arts generations and P to the principles of science and religion. Today that external, alienated from life political correctness changes within our lifetimes irrespective of individuals lifefulfillment. You can no longer adapt to it; it surprises you like nature's catastrophes man set out to overcome this way: 

According to Pilzer, the combination of human creativity (words) and technology (number) suggests that there are effectively unlimited resources. In Pilzer's economic paradigm technology controls both the pn-definition and the cf-supply of physical resources. In the new realities, still interpreted by the c3-MOS, the only enduring activity is the activity of change, which of course points to

  • an underlying order to be made transparent with a C3-MOS or,

  • from that C3-point of view, to the rhetorical excuse with chaos made available by the c3-MOS.

The new realities are still virtually enhanced with a c3-MOS along the following lines in the writings of prominent authors such as Kanter, Pilzer, Peters and Covey:

  • no individual or organization is an island (to establish personal neutrality)

  • the first law of development is imagine a need and (objectively) create it 

  • humans remain the most important asset of any organization or nation (reducing them to c3-agents).



There are realities that can be pn(personally neutraly)-perceived and cf(content-free, objectively)-measured and there are causes that change them and our pr(personally relevant)-lives. Such causes can be modeled not just objectively as in physics by cf-numbers, or historically in terms of pn-words, by the humanities and with pr-OEGPs (open-ended generative principles) in view of the (task-, job-, life-fulfillment of those individuals involved in collective human systems. 

The application depends on the openness of such collectives to being redesigned in view of the new human modeling made available now. Since the new business is least rigid in terms of being committed to a c3-constitution such as a nation or c3-based (F7,8,9 "story telling", "ego" and "metaphor") taboos in educational institutions, the platform chosen for its implementation is the BCM Business Constitution Movement. It permits a viable, business specific consideration of the following aspects, dimensions and history that boil down to two pn-ethical requirements that require a pr-attitude to make use of the New Knowledge profitably on the basis of a specific business constitution:

  • to deal truthfully with perception and measurement

  • to corroborate models in terms of their accuracy, certainty and range of useful applications up to enhancing the lifefulfillment of as many as possible.

These requirements are not met by present trends, which are based on either a pn-majority viewpoint or some kind of cf-submission to a guru/leader or oracle. Such abstract collective human trends ignore or neglect pr-integrity and encourage submission, with the corresponding offer of sublimation. This results in group think enforced by peer pressure and mobbing on collective level supported by pn-intellectuals in the name of Platonian ideals.

A potentially lifefulfilling approach is to attribute the quality of an appropriate, pr-Open-Ended Generative Principle to each human system, not just a name, a logo and some corporate identity. Similarly the natural sciences assign cf-laws of nature to the various level of nature's objective manifestations, and the humanities pn-words to collectively agreed upon trends. This means that each human, team, organization and culture is to be acknowledged in his, her or its potential to overcome what at the time seems to be an end, e.g. cf-forms and pn-prejudices. This is realistic since each individual is potentially open-ended within the range allowed by the effective MOS and his physical capabilities. In addition humans are generative in that they can create new realities both exoteric and esoteric. In a New Age world-view humans are open-ended and generative only. However, the way each person becomes open-ended and generative is governed by a principle that essentially reflects his or her identity. To become aware of it requires a C3-MOS, and a constitution to make sure that the consequences of giving meaning to it cannot be manipulated with a c3-MOS by its seriously non-lifefulfilling limitations. 

Imagine, people making each other adopt a c3-MOS that enables them to follow non-lifefulfilling ideals up to war, genocide and global destruction. This was instigated by Plato in his personal fear of the C3-order in its personally individual manifestations and the attempt to reconcile them in democracy! Instead he attributed objects with ideals to uphold human-made, c3-based, ultimately self-destructive law and order: 

In consequence it is is our intention  (despite stating a pr-one violates the c3-taboos of c3-MOS intellectuals, which have been set up to maintain their prevailing MOS) to redesign the prevailing MOS with C3-based OEGPs: The c3-MOS serves the pn-trend at the price of thinking errors that lead to objective accidents and collective, non-realistic simplifications that lead to human catastrophes. It has to be overcome with a C3-MOS that serves pr-lifefulfillment based on the best modeling of the available substantiality. There is a market for this endeavor to make it feasible; all humans that can still be reached in their conscience! Thus interested business can be made fit for it with an appropriate business constitution.

human catastrophe




cf-laws of

thinking error



Figure 1: Context in which a business constitution has to become transformative by preventatively securing lifefulfilling positions so that its bearer can fulfill his or her life functions coherently 



Any model of human functions must do justice to the dimensions in which humanity has developed historically and lead to its fulfillment. In order to allow personally lifefulfilling implications it also has to contain the essence of personal life, which at this stage can be best understood by respective open-ended generative principles OEGP as mentioned above. In order to survive "better", humans developed the following nine OEG-functions in terms of

H=hardware; using Creation as a cf-resource for pn-forming and producing objects and pn-disseminate them,

S=software; focusing on the trend and cf-organized Creatures with their underlying pn-rationality via constitutions, laws, rules and know-how allowing for pr-reponse-ability and

P=peopleware; transforming the insights made available by the Creator into ways to pn-revitalize and pr-deregulate collectives and provide a religious, moral, legal and scientific cf-basis for pr-contributions to the collective in view of the lifefulfillment of as many as possible

that manifested historically in the increased know-how of

F1(H-cf) the society of hunters to satisfy cf-needs for H (food, protection) with input
F2(H-pn) the agricultural society with its pn-ways to increase H-productivity
F3(H-pr) the industrial society allowing pr-H-products (art, weapons, luxuries, tools) to enhance the output capability of their owners in terms of the desired formal appearance, strength, speed) and that requires trade and tradesmen.

From the industrial revolution and the development of production technology onwards, humans, based on their possession and capabilities began to develop more realistic ways of seducing each other to serve each other in

F4(S-cf) administrative ways of cf-managing S-driven structures and processes,
F5(S-pn) became entrepreneurial in their S-initiatives to reach a pn-market and
F6(S-pr) learnt how to control the required organizational S-development based on pr-facts of those with decision power and to adapt the
operational know-how in view of the prevailing practice compared with their expectations as expressed in F4(S-cf), say in a constitution or some other basis for human co-operation in allocating resources and applying know-how.

Beyond F1-F6, which can now be perfectly rationalized and made globally operational with IT-technology beyond what a human can ever hope to achieve with his e-motions, there are the innate human qualities called

  1. wisdom, a belief in sustainable qualitative growth

  2. bravery, the hope of accomplishing the necessary projects in time and

  3. love, the practical implication of giving meaning to being in a creation, created by a Creator expressed as orientation with

F7(P-pn) pn-process management revitalizing S with the prevailing P-motivations,
F8(P-pr) pr-project management with a MOS deregulating the prevailing P and
F9(P-cf) cf-substantial basis aiming at growth for an up-to-date (life)fulfilling P

These functions can be visualized in their connected functionality serving life's fulfillment

Figure 2: Basic Human Functions

The functions F3, F5 and F8 are called "dictatorial" because they spontaneously focus on present issues, while the remainder are "democratic", seeking consensus about the awareness of the past and the future. The social energy is developed from these functions and seeks meaningful expressions and an ethical basis for human activities in terms of H-know-how, S-seduction or organization and P-orientation.

Figure 2 can be validated by exploring groupings of the functions and compare them to the actual performance of specific human system caught in corresponding paradigms, up to humanity as whole in history. Beyond that, Applied Personal Science APS® was developed by Meier to allow an OEGP expression of F1-9 (which is beyond the scope of this paper). It can to be used to formulate the laws of lifefulfillment and express them in a F9(P-cf)-way, independent of cultures and their trends. It provides the basis for the third kind of science besides cf-natural science and the pn-humanities, which can be used for practical applications such as the pr-BCM Business Constitution Movement mentioned above. APS® deals in 1728 OEGPs (each a "psychology" that does cf-justice to a specific human system) that fall in nine groups of 192 OEGPs characterized by the nine basic life function dealt with here.  



1. Industrial Society: Communism tried to confine people to thinking and working in terms of F1-3 under its F4-'party'-dictate alienated from F5-9 presented as a logical and historical predetermined consequence of (the materialistic view of) history. Entrepreneurial initiative (F5) was squashed, with the removal of administration (F4) based on feedback (F6), with no comparison allowed between party theory and economic practice. After 70 years of application, this predictably self-destructive system collapsed as impotent, through the instigation of one individual, Gorbatchov and the subsequent destruction of the Berlin Wall by the people, who had become aware that they really are "the people."

Figure 3: The materialistic understanding of human systems serving the F3-distribution power based dictatorship

2. Information Society: During and after World War II, many westernized countries began to develop organizational (F4) in a way that renewed entrepreneurial (F5) power. This was allowed by an expanded capability to map reality (F4) sufficiently (used for the invasion or Europe by the allied forces). Secured by the necessary controlling instruments (F6) through up-to-date comparisons of practice and theory, it allowed the system power to be shifted from F3 to F5; from the file commander to the headquarter. The F1-6 system optimizes hardware (F1-3) with software (F4-6) and became at that stage far more productive than the limited and limiting F1-3 system. The F1-6 is now globalized within a mentally iron curtain of intellectual taboos by reengineering the world's infrastructure and each country's cultural, political, scientific and religious establishments under the corresponding, still pn-based New Order, ruled by the cf-New Market. It awaits people awakening to the fact, that they alone are the bearer of conscience in how to make lifefulfilling use of productivity, a responsibility that cannot be outsourced to a pn-party, a cf-"invisible hand" or any other science c3-debasing C3-substitute - says the peopleware we are promoting here...

Figure 4: The mind over matter understanding of human systems serving the pn-F5-entrepreneuerial position power in the just-in-time cf-New Market made transparent at the stock exchange. However, this system is still too slow in adapting F4 to new insights and coping with so far undealt with necessities before the point of no return of spoilt lifefulfillment.  

3. Creative Learning Organizations: Beyond F1-6, the organizational activity is based on the potential open-ended generative principles solemnly found in conscious human being and thus must allow a corresponding self-organization. These gives rise to creative learning organizations, which incorporate the wisdom (F7), bravery (F8) and love based on understanding (F9) found in all humans, but not in one human-made system based on words and numbers. Even if an OEGP model cannot be turned into technology, which is innately limited to F1-6, open-ended generative principles can provide the orientation knowledge that is non-negotiable in creating order in human systems which alone can provide an alternative to the otherwise unavoidable c3-/C3-"free"-human-made chaos. Similarly, physics is non-negotiable from the point of view of meaningful technologies, as is a constitution from a decent politicians' point of view.

However, there is an increasingly dangerous singularity in this line of argument: Thec3-managers, who rhetorically supported by the c3-MOS guarding intellectuals, take the legitimization from them to argue about everything for which their is still a budget! In fact they do this to keep their position power! In many cases they no longer serve economy, but are are actually instrumentalizing its F1-6 power for their own hidden agendas. In this way, what should be cf within the boundary conditions of pn-politcs in the name of pr-lifefulfillment, becomes a cf-extension of their personal hidden agendas. This brings us back to the stone-age man and his club, now globalized with high tech... 

Humans without a pr-direction play "heroes" in the chaos, trying to manage it to arouse pn-attention. Well balanced people overcome what seems a chaos knowing about the underlying C3-order, while managers hope to merely transform pn-confusion to protect the status quo of the cf-power game. "No choice" may be the next trend now prepared by post-modern intellectuals to be adopted by managers and politicians. If we humans ignore F7-9 and simply try to optimize the society based on F1-6, the projected results are the well-known scenarios of the Club of Rome and the like. In this perspective 10% of the population controls power and information, 40% are compliant consumers and the remainder live in misery and poverty, kept in control by weapon systems against a background of dwindling naturalkground of dwindling naturalkground of dwindling natural and increasingly frustrated human resources.



If humans refuse to consider the whole to which figure 2 actually points; past, present and future life, the world is just controlled by gatherers and hunters, farmers, trades people, administrators, entrepreneurs and controllers. As we have now discovered, we cannot pn-manage a world which takes some eight years to cf-increase the population by one thousand million. The F1-6 society has its roots in the philosophy of Plato and the Judeo-Christian tradition. The root of the latter has been distorted by the former, simplifying pn-philosophy and its disciples, their organizations and the way humans pass on information. This gives rise to the notion of closed systems that cannot but waste cf-natural resources and encourage pn-self-destructiveness.

The adoption of the functions F1-9 that encompass life time with its laws of fulfillment, requires the reintroduction of the question of meaning in view of lifefulfillment into an otherwise past-dependent education, the short-sighted media and the resulting social, cultural and economic life based on F1-6 end-technology. Reintroducing the question of meaning requires team-work focusing on the entry point with a chance of success, before the point of no return from the c3-collapse. 

This points to redesigning business with appropriate, OEGP-based business constitutions. It requires the exemplary team-work of a critical number of qualified people in order to build enough mutual trust, and trust can only grow if humans have adequate models of each other available; ways to understand each other's genuine quality in terms of F1-9, and not within some limited and thus limiting MOS or any c3-human-made system.

If we do not want to end up in the post-modern "anything goes" or the more honest, "no choice" trap of the c3-MOS, then the question of right and wrong must be allowed againand the now possible answers be given a fair chance beyond the limiting c3-MOS.



All human beings have a model; their MOS, which is either self-determined, their own, or an other-determined one, that of someone else and/or its c3-evolution. The subjective experience of a humans acting out their functions in the activities of people, teams and organizations can be understood in terms of security and certainty, two characteristics of the the inner pr-human world. Security is based on knowing the truth about reality as that which make you free to fulfill your life. Certainty refers to the underlying origin and the basic cause in view of ones own substantiality for a sustainable change beyond the self-destructive c3-human-made manipulation in view of lifefulfillment.

Physics has set the cf-model to gain certainty in modeling truthfully obtained data by experiments that "question nature" with an absolute minimum of c3-human interactions. A democratic vote is the pn-answer humanity has so far come up with to pn-reality and substantiality. Switzerland alone has used it in 50% of the known political cases, which says something about its actual acceptance in this world despite the intellectual pn-emphasis; actually revealing it as a fake, based on historic facts! In fact in the absence of pr-conscience, the cf-(power survival) market and the pn-(opnion) mind are at war. 

if subjectively considered in terms of the two opposites, security - insecurity and certainty - uncertainty in the following continua in terms of the respective meanings, human experience in the cf-pn alienating confrontation leads to a definition of "right" and "wrong". Itallows us to put demands on human-made closed c3-systems, judge their performance and transform their basics (matters of course, assumptions, axioms, non-negotiable issues, right up to paradigms and the resulting MOS as we propose here) before the point of no return from their collapse:




closed c3-system






Figure 5: The C3-system and its basic aspects

In the name of security/certainty, the M=manipulation know-how was developed and is practiced as skills up to the point of applying it in today's cf-efficient just-in-time pn-hard- and software production with its global pr-sales and customer service. This was enhanced for the sake of cf-values such as the position power of collectives and their leaders up to the share holder values of its owners with corresponding seduction know-how to extend its range, say with marketing.

In order to prevent undesirable outcomes such as those which arise from a lack of congruence between productive technology and the natural environment, and similarly from a lack of personal integrity we need O=orientation knowledge and its consideration in applying know-how. 

The following relationship applies:  M / O = STRESS < DEATH 

However, in its ignorance the c3-MOS makes humanity focus on M more than ever, with fewer human resources and time available for O, which was once cultivated in religion first in a pr-way, then it was flattened by pn-philosophy and is now getting "outsourced" to cf-methodology and technology with its safety systems. The result is more and more stress in more and more human systems which are, at the distress limit thus in danger of dying, going bankrupt or becoming extinct in a Social Darwinian struggle for survival.  

It therefore requires organizations in which the personal learning processes are effectively acknowledged and included in updating the corporate F4 knowledge base via F7 in time. Where that is not possible before the point of no return, the courage for Timely Exchange of Project-Orientated Competence, TEPOC© is required in informal, e.g. not yet politically correct networks based on F8-necessities. And last but not least, F7 and F8 require an awareness on the basis of personal insights into F9, the underlying causes and substantialities involved, until the time is ripe not just to incorporate F9 via F7 into F4, but until they become decentralized and conscientiously appropriated in most people's MOS. The c3-MOS, however inhibits this and only holds the F1-6 system in place; it takes a C3-MOS to deregulate and revitalize it in the above indicated manner; whoever comes too late is punished by life (Gorbatchov).

Relevant technology cannot but operate in any other than the HUMAN-MADE security/certainty quadrant, but must science go along with that and keep unquestioningly assuming that the human function is a closed system, despite knowing better? Scientists who go along with the c3-MOS tend to ignore the natural environment, social environments and the quality of human life, its acknowledgement and the basic value, lifefulfillment. Instead they keep improving the closeness of their systems which ultimately always reduces and demeans the quality of human life - but they are proud that they could make it themselves, imitating C3 before understanding it...

Facing the insecurity in the DEMAND quadrant, requires applying systems accounting for the properties of things and allow people to interact with different focuses. Demands give rise to using systems in a creative, destructive, or no choice way. This gives rise to uncertainty in the PREJUDICE quadrant, which plunges organizations, in trying to overcome insecurity, into activities attempting and trading between C3-uncertainty and c3-insecurity: The c3-MOS aims at decreasing c3-insecurity at the expense of C3-uncertainty...

When the search comes to an unfulfilled standstill, peer-pressure and mobbing set out to cover up the remaining uncertainty by securing position power with a c3-induced pseudo security, whereby the underlying C3-ignorance deteriorates life quality. The suppressed oscillatory effect of trial and error between the DEMAND-PREJUDICE quadrants gives rise to C3-doubts. The accompanying lies result in a c3-social Darwinism kind of misery and poverty that are typical for fundamentalist pn/cf-systems of any kind. Without their now possible and focused transformation based on the pr-learning processes of conscientious people and its inclusion into the operational structures of organizations, life remains trapped in the insecurity quadrants. Irrespective of the prevailing rhetoric, it sooner or later results in depressive or aggressive social unrest

Accessing the TRANSFORMATION quadrant needs to be part of what the MOS supports and allows so that humans, teams and organizations can recognize their OEG-resources. Only with an OEG-attitude beyond words and numbers can people coordinate the underlying P=principles and thus unite in what is essential to become free to design appropriate forms and actions in order to become free from insecurity and move into the security quadrants fulfilled by the newly gained responsibility. However, be aware of mere c3, as polls show that only about 1 out of 3 priests believe in actual resurrections despite their c3-rhetoric, the same applies for c3-MOS conditioned intellectuals in terms of ideals...

The direction chosen in each quadrant is more important than the momentary position: Positive actions are based on admitting the prevailing uncertainty and on being open to looking at the basic C3-facts which transforms humans to go beyond an unfulfilled end. Acknowledging people's OE-potential deregulates their fear induced suppression of the truth. This makes them generate what is needed to revitalize their principles in their GeneratePrinciple-function, up to the point of their and thus life-fulfillment. Negative actions, aim at the c3-suppression of uncertainty (small talk about soap operas) and in the end lead to more insecurity and, based on more uncertainty to fewer options to overcome the actual misery and that eventually zooms people into chaos where nothing matters anymore indicated diagrammatically in figure 7:

Figure 6: Positive Action

Figure 7: Negative Action



It appears to be very difficult to re-think and re-frame human sciences, let alone redesign the collective structures accordingly so that people mentally move from serving human freedom as subjects over objects, towards the lifefulfillment for as many as possible. This is in contrast with human understanding as a basis for better relationships and a sustainable qualitative development. This contrast between the genuinely desirable and the socially compatible leads to two opposing conclusions short of insensitivity and ignorance:

  • give up personal relevance and give in to the personal neutral or even content-free trends and material coercions and try to get position power by c3-trend speak, or  

  • stand up against the respective old c3-nomenclature, their instruments, values and evaluating systems and present viable alternatives that have a future.

One of the authors, Meier, has decided for the second option in 1980 and has developed a set of basics for pr-positive actions, Applied Personal Science APS®. It has characteristics which conceptually allows people to

  • overcome the thinking catastrophes in pn- or even cf-fundamentalist group think,

  • develop a pr-understandings which helps      

  • solve real problems before the point of no return from unfulfillment,

  • helps organizations overcome the blockages and obstacles,

  • decision makers to get out of the insecurity trap and

  • restructure areas of humans' personal relationships in order to

  • create an open attitude to systems, to put them into their service and

  • develop organizations that support not just their creative but lifefulfilling learning .

The APS® approach has been incorporated into identification, diagnostic, analysis and process design tools. The APS®-diagnostic assists people to make their choices in a to be specified scenario in which priorities have to be considered in relation to pr-functional claims towards their team or organization. The APS®-programs allow people to model their claims and assess the consequences in a practically relevant way. This peopleware supports people to assess their performance, in order to become, in a lifefulfilling way, effective in their organizations. The analysis relates personal potential and format with the possibilities an organization can offer using OEGP-models such as the above F1-9 model that do justice to both the collective requirements and personal lifefulfillment. A specific analysis covers eight characteristics of openness, such as for 

  1. project management in view of

  2. system transcending innovation towards

  3. efficient operational management towards a

  4. lifefulfilling leadership with a

  5. sense of reality towards the environment and the stakeholders but which in

  6. controlling performance is ready to improve the models and MOS in place with

  7. sensitivity, integrity and qualification as an early warning system and a pro-active

  8. Timely Exchange of Project-Orientated Competence, TEPOC©.

This scenario-analysis is based on seven open questions to which our life is an answer. They are asked when a focus for a predefined scenario to be analyzed in terms of the state of the human system in it, say in a company is achieved. Then there are no obvious right or wrong answers or a pn-benchmark to refer to. The pattern of the answers, however, reveals the essential direction the human system heads to and thus allows those involved to open up for self- and scenario-reflections to improve their decision making. With such orientation knowledge available, together with methods than enhance C3-visual learning beyond the prevailing c3-auditive conditioning and one-track-mindedness, managers can recognize and influence the outcome in terms of:

  • constructive outcome, up to lifefulfillment say on the job 

  • illusionary/wasteful creation of merely virtual reality

  • self-destructive outcomes alienation

  • destructive confrontation

  Figure 8: pn-Interferences 

pn>cf interferences cause technology to fail self-destruct and cause destructive accidents

pn>pr side-tracking and limitations cause frustration, stress and self- and other destructive emotional reactions and/or wasting time in illusions


As humans use the abundantly available and increasingly more powerful c3-technologies the various associated processes accelerate in time and spread in space. There comes a point where people can no longer make sense out of change. What is available to assist each person to understand what is reliable and sustainable so that there remains meaning and and fulfillment? This answer presented here is a C3-orientation expressed with OEGPs.

The underlying Applied Personal Science APS® provides the way to model the underlying relationships between the open-ended concepts which assist people to understand themselves and their colleagues in terms of the principles by which they can generate their lives. Nobody should love closed systems because they are innately self-destructive. Thus humans should learn to overcome their individual closed system MOS, mental operating systems based on word and numbers only, even if that is all they can so far do. The proposed transformation can be achieved by loving and relating to open systems such oneself and ones Creator we have access to at least while we are in our right senses. Thus love means sustain ably promoting a person's open-ended, potential towards its fulfillment on the basis of a corresponding principle. This requires engaging in the corresponding interaction with others that generates an opening for what has so far seemed a closed end to that person caught in a limiting mental system. This has to be done so that the personal integrity of all concerned is not only maintained, but its mutual understanding is deepened and also defended.

The APS® approach provides people with an MOS which allows them to gain from otherwise mere trial and error activities. The resulting understanding of themselves and others becomes possible without having to resort to prejudice and its defense and/or the fear of other' misunderstanding ones own way. This understanding can be verified on the basis of the resonance principle in a C3 context that minimized c3-manipulation, just as a physicist reduces his interventions when he performs an experiment. This procedure provides a satisfying experience as well as a proper guideline for a corroboration process of the APS® hypothesis that complements the traditional cf-materialistic and mechanical verification of traditional scientific theories and the pn-approach in discussions. The former works for what is alive, the latter for dead fragments, mental (denotations) or material (objects). If people are denied such orientation knowledge, merely reduce to subjects "free" to manipulate objects, stress results and they either become destructive to others and/or the environment or self-destructive to themselves. The traditional cf- and/or pn-approaches head for destruction and fragmentation, "love" becomes an empty word and mobbing or peer pressure close all potential openings.

APS® can assist people to conceptualize open up closed systems. Thus there is a real choice whether humanity becomes a "cancerous" symptom that threatens life on earth or its "nervous system", the learning organization of Earth it is meant to be. The platform on which the c3>C3 transformation of MOS is now made feasible is the BCM Business Constitution Movement. This article is in fact referring to the intellectually c3-non-negotiable BCM-basic attitude and welcomes C3-based Timely Exchange of Project-Orientated Competence, TEPOC©. It is based on C3-certainty that allows you to understand the c3-truth as that which allows lifefulfillment in the reality of this world.


© Copyright 2000 Dr. Peter Meier, was presented at the 5th ALARPM World Congress


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Autor, Founder of Applied Personal Science APS© - the almost everywhere missing one
Bachmattstr. 23, CH-8048 Zürich (Switzerland), Academy4 Think-Systems, pm()think-systems.ch
     Updated 21.05.17