
the NDA deals with abbreviations...

The Antithesis to BCM
and How to Overcome It

by Dr. Peter Meier
BCM-CEO, Zürich Switzerland

The antithesis to the BCM's PL<RQ>PA OEGP is RQ<PL>PR that aims at overwriting PL with RQ and ruining it in PR, say in stories like Jean d'Arc and Jan Hus, while Martin Luther barely got away with his life. This site is for CPCs who have mastered the BCM-abbreviations and really want to transcend their boomerang anti-principle the c3-world condemns them to...

Historical Introduction into the moral confusion:



Hoping for the breakthrough to the new C3-global order, impatient people try to c3-break through with their prejudice about it locally.

The C3-fact upon which the BCM builds and that so far nobody could wipe off the face of the earth is that humans grow when they discover (PL) more of their C3-potential and find ways (RQ) to c3-live it together (PA). Competing with it, however, is the equally undeniable ABCM's social RQed order in which humans compete (PL) for c3-position power in order to make others go along with what they want.

Historically,  that which was considered transcendent to the socially compatible potential was communicated and controlled with rituals and taboos. Homer introduced the cf-content-free virtues of the hero's strength, courage and cunning so that they could, say in the Spartan Army be commanded into the service of the collective. The corresponding cf-systems of political survival or natural science have no values and teach no lessons about living together let alone lifefulfillment; they are thus amoral from a pn-point of view. However, they have uncovered the method of how the PL=personal learning processes of the common people have since been succumbed to the Responsibility towards the Qualities of the collective upheld by the ruling elite! In its assumed superiority ruler, via the collective they ruled, assumed the monopoly of power and whoever challenged it, say as a prophet, Jean of Arc, Jan Hus etc. was confronted with the collective's call into what spirit of the time considered HC=human co-operation even up to sending people to concentration camps. In the eye of the system wardens that call has to be followed to put an end to C3-PLs that threaten to transcend the manageable c3-collective. The resulting ABCM's c3-world increasingly fragments people's mind and their rulers thrive in dividing them further in their c3-rat race of getting global pn-attention, power and fame - the only way out left for the individual in the European Middle Ages was death as a martyr or being sacrificed as a scapegoat... 

FA>The rise and fall of ideals




The c3-MOS is 1=innovatively providing the Be-denotations in which people can establish their a=C3-intuitions in their mind and communicate them to each other.

To make people 4=manageable, their rulers use their c3- feelings and work them out to be able to Communicate them in a controlling way to set up their hierarchies. For that purpose they need to suppress their own intuition and thus corrupt their C3-integrity...

Based on their thus usurped position power, rulers can now command obedience of their subjects and thus  multiply their Communication as pn-R=(re)solutions for all say as dogmas...  

In the classical Greek period the basic cf-virtues were patiently refined as 1: ideals. In view of the reactions of the collective to the primitive virtues of the forefathers, they were 1=innovatively expanded by Plato and Aristotle to include pn=personal neutral moderation, piety, wisdom and prudence:


Those pn-virtues could then be taught in schools as the Factual Approach to successful social life under the heading of philosophy. That allowed people could be conditioned with a c3-Mental Operating System using ideals as B=boundary conditions  established in reference to their c3-myth propagated with the same old primitive cf-virtue of power to deal with the individuals' contradicting a=intuitions.  That meant meaning could be given to c3-worldly  supremacy over the C3, which ultimately culminated in the supreme papal authority in the Middle Ages. This way individual C3-ideas and utopias could be confined into collective ideal forms and thus be suppressed under the spell of Plato. Whoever did not go along with the ideals necessary at the time to uphold the c3-system, the spirit of the time, was confined to prison or if that did not change his mind, beheaded or burnt at the stake. Thus, what could not be put in-pn-ideal-forms was eliminated in the hope of creating a new c3-humanity. This trait marked the past millennium with its peak under Stalin, Hitler and Mao. 


Christianity introduced pr=personally relevant charity and interpreted the Greeks' natural laws as God's law so that the church could rise to global power in its claim to represent God on Earth. This required channeling people's f=feeling into getting T=tense to Cw=working out their communication towards the equanimity necessary for their 4=management. Thus all people become equal, ruled by those who considered themselves more equal...


Secularism arrived with the European 5=entrepreneurial  Enlightenment in an attempt to gain freedom in the c3-command, control and communication of pn-words with their denotations. This was made possible by the technological advance of the printing press that allowed to Cm=multiply pn-communication. Its quiet impact in the one-to-many format of books helped the French Revolution to c3-create the new global virtues of solidarity beyond freedom and equality. The corresponding expansion of the c3-MOS allowed trade and politics to colonize non c3-MOS people as the first step towards globalization. In a next step generals could command World Wars to overcome the conflicting R=resolutions that were still blocking globalization to ultimately establish c3-MOS and root out further C3-claims. In the meantime the conflict between pn-dogma, morality, ideology versus the cf-power, money, stock exchange has been settle with the fall of the wall and the latter seems to direct future history into New Markets, the new c3-"promised land" by which C3-"heavens" could be declared overcome... 

PA>Logic and its fallacies



After people have been tempted into fragments and then c3-ed into the mainstream one - say by a general into war, 6=controlling !=death determines which Objectives are worked out (weapons before ploughs).

Then people can be commanded into t=thinking along the established Procedures of becoming 3=tangibly productive. 

In the remaining space, people are given the freedom to communicate their 7=opinions about their p=perceptions within the politically correct way of multiplying ones Objective - say in the free market.

Based on this c3-Mental Operating System most people go along with what keeps  the c3-world running even beyond the point of no return from its innately self-destructive nature...  

Immanuel Kant introduced duty, derived from the pn-reason, to follow the rules you would wish to see as c3-rules for everybody. This prepared the ground for utilitarism to introduce measurability for everything up to happiness.


In effect it declared every O=objective as !=irrelevant that could not be 6=measured and w=expressed in money; now almost the only politically correct pn-expression of one's own mind.


In the meantime, the Process of history has established the invisible hand of the global market as the measurestick for everything that 3=matters in the c3-world. Despite the fact that originally the model of human interaction was not t=thought of as the market, the market now conditions more and more of our thinking and overwrites past virtues. It perfects the c3-MOS in more and more people's heads and where they fail, it outsources them to IT-systems.  


Virtues are thus replaced by values and 5: tolerance that can be perceived in influencing the multiplication of Objectives say in marketing. What used to be called wrong, vicious or evil, giving rise to A=anger is now merely recognized as making no good business sense or being politically inappropriate for its socially non-compatibility.  

In the antithesis to the BCM people are thus reduced to what pays for in the c3-man-made world where human subjects gain more and more freedom to manipulate objects with the rapid increase of M=manipulation know-how. To apply this requires access to cheap E=energy.  Even after Einstein and his heritage of radioactive fall out, the fallacy of the pn-thinking is still not yet recognized by science: What about the implications of the fallout m=matter in m=E/c2 ? It causes stress in human systems up to the limit, death. Humans still try to outrun the implications of their doing and/or not doing. However, there is a limit, that of c=the speed of light by how fast we can get away. In practice that limit confines us to earth with its limited resources and capability of sustaining a living space for the still ongoing population explosion in view of our pollution. So far we can only spread information with maximum speed, however, the bottle neck is our c3-MOS induced doubts that delay F7-putting F9-insights into F4-methods in time to control the F2-practice, where they become dangerous. And, that is the fallacy of the c3-MOS; it lets the pre-trans-trap snap shut and suppresses F7-9 with the pn-taboos

Business leaders have been actively trying to derive practical rules of behavior from abstract principles such as trust, fairness, integrity and "respect for people", to c3- legitimize their pragmatic needs themselves, having learnt their lessons from the Jesuits. The global market, the World Bank, the IMF, the UN etc. are thus taking bits and pieces of the once pn-supreme role the Pope assumed in the past millennium and these "papal" aspects predictably get, on a more sophisticated level embellished by high-tech rather than simply by rhetoric and art, and lead to the same injustices for which the pope apologized at the onset of the 21st century ...



The c3-MOS supports people to get a Maximum return for 2=working on p=preparing the B=rules for the trend - say as fast trend speaker...

The Success Promising approach of the ABCM=Anti-BCM suggests via the underlying c3-MOS, to simply 2=work to get the Maximum 2Bp-ideal, money based on which 2:=opening up can occur in the c3-world. This short-cuts the flow of FA>PA>SP ....AF>FA lifefulfillment at SP back to FA and thus SP maintains the closed FA>PA c3-"free" world that via its corresponding c3-MOS reduces humans to subjects playing with objects up to the point of their unavoidable self-destruction.

That is why is would be a grave mistake to consider the above outlined c3-world an enemy of the BCM! The fact is no other OEGP than the one chosen above to model the c3-world could, in its self-inflicted limitation exemplifies the BCM's R=solution (overcoming what blocks lifefulfillment rather than fighting the thus self-limited entity within it own limitations) better! So let us make use of the BCM's antithesis' Maximum openness for ideals, but beyond its established ones! And that is the way Troy fell and the Spartans were overcome by Athens. That is how Placido Domingo sings from note sheets, compared say to John F. Kennedy who did many things his own way without reference to anything, but his c3-aura...     


BCM: 9Pe-!

ABCM: 3:2Pp-m

Ultimately the choice is between fulfilling one's C3-uniqueness or giving up one's life for identifying with the c3- convincing power in and/or of the masses...



So how can the BCM !=let go its established process in view of embracing the ABCM's HA(2Pp-m)? Stop identifying people as c3-members of a collective, start identifying them individually as the C3-OEGP that does justice to their lifefulfillment by which they in fact create the world within their possibilities!

Please consider what points to this New Identification as Open-Ended Generative Principle as notes and living it the corresponding music:

Applied Personal Science APS® is about modeling the latter, life in its possibilities, representing the model with the former, mnemonic abbreviations and appropriate figures and images; independent of culture, moral language and the time spirit. Its substantiality to which we point with those "notes" is thus activated to make music, beyond the c3-MOS, specifically by making use of the visual learning. In fact, the c3-MOS, thanks to the Reformation has so far not effectively c3-corrupted visual learning; it has focused on c3-arguing and thus conditioned the auditive learning. That might change with the onset of interactive television! So we have to use the dwindling time frame before all learning is dominated by the c3-MOS to redesign the world. We start with introducing a C3-MOS into a critical number of qualified CPSs and decision makers' minds in order to implement corresponding business constitutions and open up the genuinely New Market; individual's consciences in order to network them in lifefulfilling ways. 

The ABCM maintains the 4: consistency that allows Mm-cannibalization with hierarchies maintained by jealousy to allow a M=maximum application of manipulation know-how with m=minimal consideration of orientation knowledge. This mentality is typical for this post-modern hedonist society. It works at the cost of the M/O=STRESS in the C3-living space and that threatens life on a global level now.





Ultimately there are two entry points, the one coping with the pain of C3-existence that leads to heavens and the road more traveled, going along with c3-ideals that leads into the hell paved and embellished by blackart. Beyond that point, there is no return from having to bear the unavoidable M/O consequences...

The ABCM is unconsciously e=wants people a HC from which people cannot but S=defocus, accepting their shadows as the values to Ce=establish communication about in their enterprises. What are you to Novartis? A sick biochemical system! What are you to the system wardens ranging from psychiatrists to politicians? A non-conforming disturbance to their simplifying concepts! What are you to the rulers of the c3-world, money and banks? Greedy for more! What are you to the market? Non-sustainable and unsatiable!

What are you to the BCM? 

bulletAt worst, suffering from your inadequate O=orientation knowledge about lifefulfillment unaware of the true value of adequate knowledge, misled by M=manipulation know-how, ignorant about M/O = STRESS
bulletAt best, a CPC in overcoming the source of all evil, inadequate knowledge. 
bulletAnd beyond such subjective judgments, the BCM offers you an OEGP that points to the notes by which you can make lifefulfilling music if you care to consider C3-playing it yourself by consciously applying your modes of being rather than c3-critizing them say with pn-arguments or cf-emotions!

Admittedly the ABCM-picture looks more appealing, but what value do you prefer,

bulletthose of a world in which everybody altruistically Ce-relates to each others pn-shadows or 
bulletthose of partners which Bw-care about each other's genuine suffering in being unable to make more than self-destructive c3-systems? 

The former has already c3-prejudged everybody as C3-dead, the latter opens up a path on which the c3-truth about each others life is revealed in allowing each other to C3-fulfill it.   


BCM: i*/7Pm-S

Following the i=need for lifefulfillment or,

ABCM: *s/7Oe-I

I=concepts that lead to the O=ruin with the corresponding chance to learn it the hard way, that is the question your life is an answer to!

Depending on your HC-choice about c3 / C3 your PL becomes
bulletan insurmountable O=challenge when you decide to s=focus on the ongoing Social Darwinian struggle to get public attention trying to establish your Objectives  In case of the global multitude of c3-I-concepts of people's awareness in which anything goes and where everyone is on guard against everyone else, everybody can only lose - lifefulfillment - in an overstressed M/O environment as we know it. 
bulletAdmittedly, if you give in to the i=need for the ambitious goal of C3-lifefulfillment you are going to die also, but not in fear of the world but S=defocusing from it, for one that accounts for what you have fulfilled. Rather than Oe in the c3-world the C3-life results in Pm=multiplying the meaning of the C3-initiated process, life, we are to fulfill. 

The former is self-destructive turning the world into a set of man-made objects, the latter multiplies what is necessary for sustainability. That alone results in synergy that makes life in collectives meaningfully sustainable. And that is why it makes good business sense! And that is what the BCM enhances with corresponding business constitutions exemplifying it with the synergy achieved among CPCs and the progress in the underlying Applied Personal Science APS® and its range of application. 


BCM: as



Since man can only make c3-closed and thereby self- destructive systems, it is ultimately  important to know when to step away from them; not just reengineering outdated systems, but redesigning them based on insights into more sustainable causes!

The main system we have to replace is the c3-MOS, with a C3-MOS; with Timely Exchange of Project-Orientated Competence, TEPOC© 

Obviously the CPC have to avoid going along with the c3-pseudo PL and focus on RQing the PL of target groups that are open for genuine C3-PL rather than just f=feel around about how to i=satisfy their short-term needs. This is the way the CPC can maintain the 4: tolerance among each other that allows Rp-synergy, e.g. R=solutions for p=real situations and thus a path that in truth leads to life...

The ABCM with its RQ(if/6:1Om/O) makes people only concerned with their c3-self and a world that does not awaken them to face its consequences; in the assumed selflessness they can avoid the O=ruin the world imposes on them. Thus the Red Cross makes wars bearable, but does not provide an alternative, cars move you away from unpleasant places, but their pollution will catch up on the next generations everywhere on earth. There is a point where you personally have to give in to the the higher C3-order and get away from trying to transform the world in its name and that point is RQ - or you become part of world in the futile attempt to change it by yourself. 

Robin Gill, Professor of Modern Theology at the University of Kent has made a shocking discovery: people who go to church are more altruistic and are three to four times more likely to do voluntary work in their spare time. Are they keeping the world running or from transforming by RQing its status quo, that is the question! Did religion give rise to the morality that now fails, or vice versa as c3-evolutionists claim? Should everybody reconstruct  ethics, as the anything goes postmodernists claim?

Will the c3-world soon be flooded correspondingly with self-replicating systems such as robots, genetically engineered and/or nano-second technology and neuronally manipulated life forms? Will these c3-forms render C3-biological life outdated? Or, will their control slip through our hands and make humanity the problem, a "cancerous tissue", rather than the solution, "the nervous system" of the living space Earth? Our generation will trigger the answer! The BCM's contribution is business constitutions. They can be compared with the genetic code, the integrity of which prevents a cell from becoming cancerous and instead fulfills its function in a body that can become the vehicle for a fulfilled life. Similarly the time has come with the BCM, where businesses can become platforms for lifefulfillment for those concerned.   

ABCM aims at getting attention in BPOCpwme on the c3-basis of the correspondingly distorted RQ<PL>HC OEGP. In the c3-MOS the ABCM uses the means made available by the c3-time spirit to compete for attention with problematic B=boundary conditions. Within them, solutions are presented as B-replicable P=processes with an O=object management that promises S=relaxing on technology with otherwise problematic e.g. non-sustainable production methods. This flaw is disguised with a c3-politically correct pwm Communication in the name of freedom that Ce-results in the problematic acknowledgement of the c3 v=values that makes the c3-MOS closed. And makes people with a c3-MOS unaware of the self-destructive cause of their history. 
The BCM believes in the fulfillment of entities in their !apIMpvh- modes that relate to the c3-problems with the JSctbfmR- modes that aim at lifefulfilling  solutions

On its PL<RQ>PA platform the BCM  implements business constitutions that channels business into focusing on the lifefulfillment of those concerned. 


c3-ABCM is the B-problem   x=author

C3-BCM is the C-problem


 ^     2   
 ^        5
 ^     3  ^
 ^  3  ^  ^
 ^     ^  2
 ^     ^  ^
 8     ^  ^

 v        3
 v  2     v
 v  v  7  v
 v  v  8  v

       ^  4
    7  ^
    ^  ^  8
 4  ^  ^  ^
 9  ^  ^  ^

    4  v
 6  v  v
 v  v  v
 v  v  v
 v  v  4
 v  v  v



 ^  2  ^  ^
 ^  1  ^  ^
 ^     9  ^
 2        ^

 v  v     2
 v  v     v
 9  v     v
 v  v  2  v
 v  4     v
 6        v
    1     v

    ^  ^  ^
    5  ^  ^
    ^  ^  ^
    ^  ^  ^
    ^  ^  7
    ^  7

 v  v  v  9
 v  v  v  5
 2  v  v
    v  1
 7  v


Bp Bw Bm Be

Pp Pw Pm Pe

Op Ow Om Oe

Cp Cw Cm Ce


Applied Personal Science APS® has made it possible to identify the c3-dimensions with BPOC and pwme.

It thus relates the  c3-world to the C3-modes of  specific human systems.

Its application requires a hc- identification procedure and the OEGP expression of the laws of lifefulfillment.

Based on this "physics of the right OEGP notes", the BCM-consultants implement the corresponding "technology" and coaches customers, decision makers in business, to "play their music" in tune with an appropriate business constitutions.  

In the C3-MOS the BCM works out the problematic human values that set the Boundary conditions in the c3-world in terms of the R=C3-solutions prepared for us to fulfill our lives with. The c3-MOS of the ABCM allows this only in terms of the objective Factual and the subjective Personal  Approach in their competition for what turns out as the Success Promising approach in the cf-market.

When it comes to the Human Approach the BCM is prepared to let go !=outdated concepts of the c3-world, while the ABCM goes along with a minimal business ethics, too often simply as an alibi.

The resulting value is in both cases revealed by the respective Human Co-operation, in view of 1Bw-modeling of C3 with an open mind for the BCM, and the 5=entrepreneurship within the Ce-political correctness for the ABCM. The former leads to S=C3-trusting and fulfilling Personal Learning processes. The latter to the well known c3-competing in riding collective I=trends that results in the respective C3- and c3-MOS. That choice marks the point of no return from the then unavoidable consequences; C3-lifefulfillment and c3-blackart and whoever remains indecisive is a c3-failure.  

The BCM does what it takes to allow a balanced and sustainable 3=production based on the feelings of 5=life-entrepreneurs. It accepts the !=self-destructive nature of man-made Processes based on simply, materialistically I=modeling the perceived reality.

The BCM-consultant learn to S=relax in trusting 7=C3-insichts into the 9=relevance of personal human life. This provides the orientation knowledge for sustainable solutions to the necessary Object management, and the required 9=existential Justification to 7=get the corresponding thinking across. It 3=delivers the minimal goods for survival under the 8=necessary constraints in view of the environment, society and the future life.

The BCM-consultants withstand the c3-temptations of taking Communication for what it should point to, a=intuition by which the Creator attempts to guide us so that we do not fall for the Maximum and rather consider the P=potential substantiality in terms of its fulfillment in the living space that is our home, Earth as a Creation with its Creatures. 


The challenge is to incorporate  CPCs and employees in the framework of a business constitution without having to c3-convince them to give up their C3-being say for the money for the job and rather provide a platform for its lifefulfilling contribution.

The way the author, as an example of a BCM-consultant, can put himself in the service of the BCM is depicted with the black numbers above:

B) My J ist the bridge to BCM,s R=Human Resources, which I can provide by putting my t,m in this servie. Then my c can take charge of the BCM's exemplary f=HRM.

P) My P allows a pr-BCM's p=Marketing, my a the "security net" for its I=Business Plan, my M similarly the anticipation of its S=share holder feedback and my h secures the BCM' !=Transformation

O) By applying my R to the BCM, its J=Corporate Identity is set in place, my v promote its t=Management so my b can lead to its m=Project Management, while my f can update its c=Business Constitution.

C) My p allows the BCM's P=existence, my I its a=R%D, my S challenges the BCM's M=Goal and my unavoidable ! requires its h=Target Group to be reached in time for me to thus fulfill my life. 

The pictures have been taken from the game "Erkenne Dich selbst" (Recognize Yourself) (ISBN 3-925645-00-4) with kind permission of the Burk Publishing Company to address the right brain's visual learning capabilities.
© Copyright 2000 BGI AG Zürich; Feedback to Dr. Peter Meier is welcome

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Autor, Founder of Applied Personal Science APS© - the almost everywhere missing one
Bachmattstr. 23, CH-8048 Zürich (Switzerland), Academy4 Think-Systems, pm()think-systems.ch
     Updated 21.05.17