3.4.4.Cm-G: The Fundamental Opposition and Deregulation


Humans have their individual X=potential associates in one of the 144 social BPOC/rwme impact dimensions to overcame being reduced to a denotational tag in terms of the default way of system#2 dealing with it. Self-determined humans deal with other-determinedness in the corresponding science#1, #0, #2, or #3 instead of giving in to the m>e rat-race of adapting to the trend to c3-ride it rather than to fulfill their lives with integrity; G=against lies which leave you unfree. One of those lies has made us NOT love OUR time; we pass it and c3-chase it away. Costly time is thus substituted for money and then becomes meaningless and lacks a measure and an orientation. We have thus c3-conquered every thing; the last frontier however, is the travel to YOURSELF to a meeting not for a conquest, but for a lifefulfilling understanding...

In my own p=perception I focus on the GG-kernel of what needs to be avoided to remain free for the 7Cm-adaptation to the substantiality involved. In my I=concepts I provide a Gp-scapegoat with my seeming 7Cw-selfishness which makes people decide whether they want to go for mass thinking or a personally relevant one: Should people be deprived of their innate rights so that the system#2 can remain closed, or should it be redesigned to suit the laws of lifefulfillment of those it is supposed to serve, that is the deregulation question I confront others with right from the start! My perception tells me how human systems#2 end up, if people default to them!

Being part of the 19.4% people who are G-against the mainstream Bm brings them in the GptT-waters of the resulting Pm depending on their innate OEGP (accounted for with the following key words in their proper sequence). And since birds of a feather flock together, this results in the following
stages of mass thinking in its BPOCm-crystallization:


KERNEL: In the comfort of contentedness, the resulting 1Om-selflessness turns tolerance simply into letting go in view of any resistance in defiance of what had attention before and simply gives in to the impressiveness of riding the trend in adapting to one's neediness and unrest ANYTHING GOES: Once the 7.6% GG-human resources can shape a mob, they become the crystallization kernel for an end of the so far ongoing trend (modernism), and then (in post-modernism) nothing remains a matter of course anymore, everything is up to be G-against to in opportunistic ways, except the social power of the numbers of the thus mobilized people. The selflessness of 1Om-mass opinions where all go along with what nobody in his right mind would identify with, such as World War I, suggests that chaos is the pathway to a New Order; thus the GG-mob provokes the Gp-mob to come up again with the previously suppressed p=primitives Pm-ways, say as in esoteric etc. Yet some discover that there is only one issue to be G=against for lack of an alternative, this kind of forming of the people of the lie...



SCAPEGOAT: Sulking about the paradise lost, identification is simplified to what overcoms resistance by harmonizing with others with an organized prejudice of equanimity and sensuality for a New Togetherness of, the by now self-centered individuals, towards clarification of what kind of authenticity can still lead to an encouragement for a desirable future. As soon as the 9% Gp-human resources take over the GG-movement, is amasses one out of six people and gains momentum against a scapegoat that resents the pre-trapping of the newly released p-processes by the Gp-people. In Switzerland 2002 one of the scapegoats is the Federal Minister for Economy, Pascal Couchepin. He has so far tried to sacrifice the farmers to the trend in the European Union and the Global Economy. The farmers are fed up to the teeth of having to share the destiny of their European colleagues. Interestingly enough this Gp- and the next Gt-phases provide no m=mass opinionating BPOC and that is way a scapegoat needs to be sacrificed by the people of the lie. Since they are against truth seeking out of fear to become the victim themselves, the intolerance among each other against any form of transparency grows. In short faced with their substance threatened, people fall back to a p=primitive, long thought overcome behavior, such as happened among others in Ex-Yugoslavia and Israeli and has lead to terror against civilians as well as collective punishments, as was done onto them by the Nazis. The there is to ongoing American indiscriminate eradication bombing in Afghanistan as in the Vietnam and where it was first used, against the indigenous people of American, the so-called Indians, and then in their own Civil War...



UNREST: On September 11, 2001 the ice was broken and the intolerance level reached. It has allowed the 0.7% of the Gt-human resources to promote a New War as a first attempt to t=transcend the stalemate of the G-anything goes ways to express opposition, and go for an end with bloodshed rather than for an endless terror. However, that requires t=transcending discernment of good and evil and a redundancy reduction of opinions about it, so that the devil is not driven out with Beelzebub...



MOBBING: A world-wide 1Pm-connectedness in a coalition against terror in rendering new insights in 2002 speechless. The revelation how business is really run (ENRON) has shattered the self-confidence and also the savings of more and more people. By now 19.4% of the human resources are aligned G-against the old paradigm spearheaded by the 2.1% GT-human resources in its last desperate attempt to stabilize the world's process and keeping their faces as the leader of the people of the lie. However, the old rules demeaned, the old habits go on processing the world into the same old T=trap of the paradigm lost. And this headlessness threatens to cannibalize the progress achieved by the turn of the century in favor of mere maintenance and the saving of the faces of its system wardens. The lesson for those who are prepared to learn from history is that the only T=trap which provides genuine freedom is the personally relevant truth!


It seems that the thus formed 19.4% G-mob can deregulate everything and even reason has to give in to it. Thus on the 1st of August 2002 after the official speeches on the occasion of the Swiss national day at the Expo.02 in Biel, a play was performed. Its provocative intention was to convince the people that being Swiss has nothing to do with a metaphysical identity and is merely an act of administration just as registering your dog. The play went on Swiss television at the prime hour after the official speeches, got national attention and a well meaning applause. The proof was given in subtly primitive play of sex driven monkeys as which people's identity is reduced to that in the trend of the herd. It subtly suggested that scientists can transform average citizens into such monkeys, but not vice versa, reframe people's trend distorted and traumatized minds.


So 2001/2 Switzerland lost one year's BNP at the stock exchange; the key player, Martin Ebner alone almost 1% of it, 4 million millions Swiss Francs. So one human being can win and loose in one year up to ten times the average Joe Blow earns in his whole life. Such misuse of the intellect in the mass media and the power to play with money demonstrates that we have a backlog in deregulating outdated procedures and structures of the order that lead to human catastrophes and revolutions in the past.


So far nothing revolutionary has happened in Switzerland even after its share of air plane crashes in 2001, the final grounding of its national airline Swissair, a massacre of politicians in Zug and the "help-your self managers" who grabbed their golden hand shake to the amount of the damage their further employment would result in the companies they cannibalized already in the name of their share holder values. Quite the opposite, in 2002, Switzerland's Federal Ministers kept reminding the Swiss at their 711th birthday of their country that they still enjoy the world's top welfare. This compares to the people at the party on the Titanic before their ill-managed ship hit the iceberg. And even that turned out as a pretext for a film with a tremendous return on investment rather than a lesson...


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